Thursday, April 12, 2012

Chapter 4 | March 31, 2666

In the silent morning when the dew hits the grass and the wind blows softly, Jason remembers when everything was normal and not as crazy as it is today. He remembered back to a time of calmness, peace, and tranquility. He looked back behind him wondering if his family was still there. They were not there of course, but he was just hoping that they were there in the flesh.

He was sitting on the piece of ground that was owned by his father. He looked at the tree next to him. It was battered. It had most of its bark ripped off of it. The tree was the story of Jason’s life for the time being. He touched the tree. He felt the scares that the tree endured. He felt a morning raindrop run down the tree and over his hand. It was as if the tree cried for Jason.

He stood-up from the beautiful hillside. He walked away from the tree. He walked away from the calming breeze. Jason walked to his father’s house to find out where that book was that the monks told him about.

He walked up to the old wooden door. He knocked. It was not done intentionally. It was done in the rhythm of doing things when he would come to meet his father. He knew that no one would answer but he had the thought that someone would.

He backed away from the door. He looked down and the welcome mat and lifted the right side corner. He picked up the extra key his father made him so he could come into the house. He put the key into the key hole. He opened the door and entered into the house that built him into the man that he is today.

Once inside the [empty] house, Jason walked over to the fireplace. He looked at all the pictures of him and his brothers. He saw the photo album and touched it. He opened the book and saw every memory form the very beginning of his family’s existence. He then closed the photo album. Next, he proceeded to look at the photographs of his mother and father. He also saw his older brother’s mother’s picture, which was held by his father in the photograph.

He began to remember when they told him, Jacob, and John Jr. to stop sliding down the banister. They did not stop and one of them got hurt. They never did it again until the day they moved out of the house when his mother got a divorce from his father, but his mother still cared about his father very much because she did not want to split the boys from their father. She never fought over them for custody.

The faint memories of the past kept pouring into his mind. He was living his childhood all over again. Jason felt a tear beginning to slide down his face. Then, a steady stream of tears began to fall onto the floor like it was a waterfall. Jason felt like killing himself so everything would finally come to an end, but he remembered what he had to do to try and stop this war for good.

He walked over to his father’s old office. He touched the old oak door. Felt where they marked how tall they were. He looked at the last marking it read, “Jason is four feet tall. The day before his father was pronounced dead. He then proceeded to walk into the room.

There was nothing within the office. There was dust and cobwebs cover his father’s old oak desk, which Jason and his brother’s made for him, and the old Rembrandt style lamp, which was found within an old time capsule in the ground underneath their house. He then looked at the final thing on the desk, it was a picture of everyone together as a family and a tear ran down his face. Now, He was alone, the only one left form the picture still living.

Jason walked behind the beautifully crafted desk. He looked at where an old oil painting of New York once hung. It also incorporated the English pasture where the entire O’Connell Family got started. He pushed on the wall where the painting once was and the secret staircase was revealed. He walked down the steps to the room where all the answers were stored inside a tiny little book.

Jason walked over to the book. A faint tear fell. He opened the beautifully bound book, inside where all the accomplishments of his brothers and himself in each other their lifetimes separate and together, these accomplishments that where described within the book were of another future. Now that his brothers were dead, this future was all wrong, it would not have not have made any sense why everything was still the same in the book.

…Up inside the abandoned house there was someone waiting for Jason. This man was not someone to worry about, but he was someone that you had to distance yourself away from. The man walked down to where Jason was reading the book of his brother’s and his future. He walked all the way to the secret room. He looked at Jason and said, “You still have much to learn about this family. Everyone knows everything about each other.”

Jason recognized the voice and said, “Yeah, I thought I knew who you were to be, but I was wrong. Go to hell you fucking demon of the damned evil one named James.”

“I mean you no harm, Jason,” said the man.

“Why are you even here?” Jason asked.

“I am here to take you to the place where a council is building up a rebellion against you and the world. If you come with me you will know the truth about you and your family. I was once a lonely intern at the Omega Organization, but know I am one of the fucked up scotch drinking son of a bitch person that works for that company. I wish I would have listened to you, but now it is time for me, your only son to set things right,” the man told Jason.

“I still do wish you had listened to me. You grew up too fast my son. You are no longer a teenager. You are no longer my little boy anymore. When I saved you, I knew that you would do something like this to me, just like your damn mother did. She tried to kill me and you. She crashed the car and fled away from scene. She was working for the Omega Organization as an intern. Son, in an old future you were to kill me and I was to be enlightened, but now that is not to be, for I have changed the timeline. You were still a teenager. I do not know where everything went wrong.”

Jason looked at his son’s face. He walked out of the room with book in his hand up to the fireplace. His son, Jack, followed and said, “That future you speak of is no longer waiting for us. I know I have changed after everything we went through, but it is time to show you who really destroyed the timeline.”

Jason listened to his son and said, “I have to do one thing before we go…”

He walked over the hearth. He started a fire and threw the book into fire and saw if burn to ashes. Jason felt the sense of being alone once again. His eyes were all dry. He could not cry, even if he wanted to try. He looked at his son and said, “Let us get this over with once and for all…”

Jack took his father back to the Omega Organization’s headquarters. He took him to the bottom floor. He took him to the place beneath the most powerful and evil organization in the world. When they stepped out of the elevator, they were in Destination Hell, a place where the Omega Council’s meetings were held for over sixty years.

They walked down the many interconnecting catacombs of Destination Hell. Until, they had reached a huge door made up of millions of stones. Above the incredible archway, there was something written in golden letters. The writing on the door read, Enter with fear, Leave with hope.

This saying was from an old head of the council named, Jonas Archer O’Connell. This man was Jason’s dead great uncle and one of the founding members of the Omega Organization and Omega Council. He was killed before the Great Thirty Years War. He was struck down by his own brother. This war lasted from 2610 to 2640. The war helped the world become united under a single governing body.

Jason, Jonathan, and Jonah were all named after their dead great uncle by their father to keep his name alive, as well as, to keep his hopeful views of a better future alive. He was a great person and man. He and his brother founded the Omega Organization to help the world, but the actual betrayal in the wall of the organization came on the day of James’ wedding when Jonas was killed.

Jason and his son walked past the massive doorway and into the main chamber where the council was having a meeting. Inside, there were all the active members of the Omega Council and the governing body. Most of the members of the council were anything from scientists to photographers. The one person that was not anything at all was the head of the council itself, the man that destroyed Jason’s true destiny, James Leonardo O’Connell.

Jason’s eyes began to get wider and wider when he saw that his grandfather was still living and breathing and not dead after his shot him. He could not understand how an evil man like James could still be living and breathing. His mind began to race with rage and disgust. He looked at his and wanted him to finally be dead. He wanted to shot his brains out. He could not because he was about to say something to the council members.

Jason saw him stand up and say, “Welcome, back my brothers, to the council that will decide the route that Jason should go on for his journey. I have stolen the Book of Destinies from his father’s massive collection of future and current histories. I have destroyed my grandson’s destiny by killing all of his brothers. They will no longer be able to gain their timely abilities that were given to them. None of them will be able to destroy this organization. Jason is the only one left in this world. He will no longer be able to make his own destiny from coming true. He has not learned a thing from his past. He has much to learn about this family and its true destiny. We will once again conquer this world once again.” His grandfather stopped for a breath and continued, “Because of our brother, Jonas Archer O’Connell, we were put underground because of what he did to this world. We once controlled all of the Western Hemisphere. If it weren’t for him we would have controlled the whole world by now. This world would have been ours and everyone in it would have been our fucking damn slaves building our own monuments, our own cities, and our own armies for play. No thanks to that mother fucking damn son of a bitch man I once called my very brother, we would have succeeded in killing Jason and his next of kin. This world would have been different, but now we have to worry about my grandson, for he will soon do something that will forever change who controls the world, but he will not be able to do so because we have his son. Jason still does not know that his son is the key in putting the world back on to the timeline that it once was on.”

Jason looked at his son and could not believe what he just heard. He understood everything. He looked at his grandfather and somehow his grandfather looked back at him. He said in his mind, “You will pay for this one day. That day is today.” Jason pulled out his revolver pistol and fired a single bullet into the head of his grandfather, once again, not knowing that he would return from the brink of death though the use of this his double-gangers.

As the bullet penetrated the brain of James, another bullet was fired and entered Jason’s brain and destroyed the inter-workings of his central cortex. Jason fell into a deep sleep and found himself in a place where no man wanted to be in before dying…Heaven.

Jason looked up into the eyes of a great being. A great and mighty voice said, “Jason, your time has come to an end. I am sorry for what your life was to be is simply not to be. I shall no longer keep secrets from you, my son…” To Be Continued

-Jon McKay
(O’Connell Family Historian)

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