WT Shorts | AWAW

A World At War: [Archived Stories]

[This is an Archive for the short subject series that will be written through the views of someone beyond the grave that has died in the War Of The World. The people who have died may have mixed views on the war and this will shred more light on the people who are in the universe that is World Timeline.]

Post 1: The world is currently at war and there is something about this place that does not make any real sense. I died on the very first day of the battle. It was a horrible and really bloody battle. This world is no longer the same. We need a savior. What the world needs is someone that is not like our once glorious and most influential persons of our time, Jason O'Connell. Look at what he has done to this world. This war was   started by him. The Omega Organization is helping the world...
 Posted: July 1, 2666
Post 2: Unknown No longer here. Has been corrupted.

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