WT Xtras | The Characters

Characters of World Timeline

Spotlight: Jason James O'Connell
Basic Information:
41 year old CEO of one of the most powerful corporations in the world of the twenty-seventh century. He was born on October 17, 2625, at New York General Hospital, Brooklyn. His life has been in the protection of the SAFD, created and founded by his father. He is also a part of one of the most influential families in the world, The O’Connell Family, which is a part of a bigger family called the Tri-Family, which origins date to the early twenty-sixth century. His name is derived from his great uncle’s name Jonas.
Basic Description:
Date of Birth: Oct. 17, 2625 | Sex: Male | Eye Color: Hazel | Height: 6”2’
Important Dates:
·         Oct. 17, 2625- Date of birth
·         Jan. 1, 2645- Jason’s son was born
·         Jan. 19, 2645- Jason’s father was killed (murdered).
·         Jan. 19, 2645-Jan. 19, 2650- Jason was manipulated by his grandfather, James. He killed over one million people as a result.
·         Jan. 20, 2650- Turned his life around with the help of his friends and family.
·         May 22, 2655- Jason married his high school sweetheart.
·         July 2, 2661- Jason Laboratories Incorporated was formed.
·         Dec. 21, 2663- A car crash occurred that changed Jason and his son’s lives forever.
·         Dec. 31, 2665- At 11:59PM, Jason stopped the world and saved it by deploying his titanium alloy rods around the world. 
·         A bit of a hot head
·         Intelligent
·         Cares about the human condition
·         Emotional about anyone close to him that dies
·         Religious to a certain extent
Grandfather: James Leonardo O’Connell | Grandmother: Mary Anne Elizabeth
Great Uncle: Jonas Archer O’Connell
Father: Jonathon James O’Connell | Mother: Lillian Anne Parker
Eldest Brother: Jonah James O’Connell | Older Brother: Jonathon Leonardo O’Connell (Jr.)
Twin Brother: Jacob James O’Connell
Ex-Wife: Andrea Carr
Son: Jackson James O’Connell | Future Daughter-In-Law: Martha Anne McClain
Future Grandson: Jayson Leonardo O’Connell
Major Accomplishments:
Founding Jason Laboratories Incorporated
Giving birth to Jackson James O'Connell

More Characters:

The O’Connell Family
The Original O’Connell Brothers
James Leonardo O'Connell
Jonas Archer O'Connell
The O'Connell Brothers:
Jason’s Son
Jason James O'Connell
Jacob James O'Connell (Jake)
Jonathon Leonardo O'Connell (John Jr.)
Jonah James O'Connell
Jackson James O'Connell
Father & Uncle
Jason’s Niece
Jonathan James O'Connell
Leonardo Luke O'Connell
Vivian Victoria O'Connell
() Denotes that the character is deceased.

More Characters' Names
To Be Revealed

Date Updated: April 20, 2012

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