Saturday, May 5, 2012

Chapter 5 | March 31, 2666 (Part 2)

Jason was looking up at the great and powerful being of the entire cosmos, he soon found himself inside a grand hallway. Within it, there were gigantic limestone pillars. There were marble floors as well. In the hall, on granite shelves were little boxes filled with things that you could have only wished for when you were on earth. Also inside, there were things that only he knew about you where in there, as well as, you deepest darkest secrets.

Jason did not want to see what was inside of his own “treasure” box. He just wanted to see this great being face to face for the first time in his life. He wanted to learn of many secrets that were kept from him. He wanted to talk to him about why he was here in the first place.

He walked to a giant golden arched gate at the end of the hallway. Above the gate, in golden laced inked letters read, “Here Is Thy Promise to Thee of Everlasting Life.”

Jason pushed the gates open and walked into a great and powerful place of enlightenment and grace. He was in the grandest kingdom of them. He looked around and did not know where to go. He saw waterfalls and fountains. He saw a city made of clouds it was as big as the whole earth.

Jason walked towards a massive sign. He was walking up to the great being. When he got to the man he asked, “Who are you?”

“I am your father. I am God. You might think that I am not real at all, but I am real. I am everyone on the planet you call earth. Everyone makes up a cell in the greatest being of the universe, ME. I must tell you that your life ended too quickly and now you are here to learn something about yourself and something about your grandfather.”

“What Am I supposed to learn while I am up here above the clouds?” Jay asked.

God looked at one of his many sons, Jason, and said, “You must learn about how your grandfather lives forever and how your own son is the key to something that will change this world’s timeline into a better one.”

Jason was a bit confused at what told to him. Jason asked, “How can a man live forever, if I shot him twice?”

“He has blank bodies held in his own secret facility in New York City. You were there at that facility, but you did not know that was the place was where he left his own supply of double-gangers for the use of his dark soul to attach itself to. I know one more thing about him that you do not know and the world does not know. You know me as to be the light that shines on the world, but your grandfather is the evil that shadow’s my light from the people of the world that follow his evil ways. He is the Devil. The living and breathing devil,” God told Jason.

Jason looked away to feel the truth fill his mind and soul, but he still did not understood how his grandfather was still alive. Most secrets are too big for one person to handle. Even for Jason, he could not handle the truth about how his grandfather kept on living. He opened his mind and let it in and he got a grasp on what he was told.

He then turned to God and asked one final thing, “What purpose does my son serve in all of this?”

“He is purity itself. I know he has changed so much he does not seem to have any light in him at all, but what he serves as is the light that will forever change the course of time. At the end of this very year, after something falls onto earth, it will reveal a dark hole. When it appears your son will have to sacrifice himself for the sake of time itself.”

Jason looked and finally understood what he had to do. He walked out into the hallways where all the chests were sitting on the shelves. He walked over to his chest. He lifted the lid and opened it up.

Inside, there was the key to the door that was once laced in the blood of the people that were once killed by his grandfather, James. He took the key out of the chest. He then, walked to that door. He turned the key and opened the door wide open.

Inside the white door, there was no one. One the outside, there was not even any blood on the door. On the ground inside the door, there was not any devastation. Jay walked away from the door. Jason then felt the presence of someone. It was someone that was very familiar to him. He looked behind him and saw himself.

He walked over and asked himself, “What will happen if I help change everything back to the way it was?”

“Nothing will change. The future is already set in stone. The path to the future that you were going to be on was the wrong one. You lose your mind and forever destroy the family bond. You and your brothers are no longer separate, but together. You are not alone in this world. Your son, Jack, is still as pure as light, but it does not look that way. It is hidden beneath the surface. Also, you will gain those “Timely Abilities” that your grandfather told the council you would no longer be able to gain. He does not know that your abilities were given to you at birth. Not at the time that you needed them” Jason’s old self told him.

“One last thing,” Jason began, “How can you and I exist together?”

“We cannot be here at the same time. Besides that door over there is laced with blood for me,” then the other Jason disappeared.

Jason walked away. He looked at the door and for him it was as white as snow. As he walked away, a fine drip of blood ran down the face of the door. He walked all the way back to where God wanted to meet with him after he went to see the door.

He went over to God. He said, “I do not understand why this is all happening to me.”

“Not everyone knows why this happens, but not everyone has the tools to make things right,” God told him before disappearing. Jason walked away from the experience a changed human being, but he did not know who shot him…

…After the shooting…As Jay’s body fell, the gun that was used to shot him was revealed to be in the hands of his very own son. The one part of the timeline that he thought was changed was not.

His son stood up and said, “What kills us makes us bigger, faster, and stronger. Oh, by the way my poor pathetic father, I killed your brother, Jacob. Guess what? It was just good business.”

Jack then, walked down to join the council. He looked up to the place that was once held by his now “dead” great grandfather. He stood up at the great podium and said, “Hello, my fellow brothers. I killed my father and now he is no longer a threat to us. Now, we can conquer the world once again. I have already garnered the help from one of our enemy societies. They have agreed to work with us to conquer the world. Please welcome the Brotherhood to the Omega Council. Now that we have established our newly acquired allies we will move on, July first of this year we shall destroy this new world on every single piece of it,” He then caught his breath and continued, “One final thing, I no longer sees this assembly as a council anymore. I see us as a grand order of fellow men trying to get the same thing. We are now the Omega Order and no longer a council of brothers, but a band of brothers set out to conquer this hell hole of a place. Meeting adjourned and I will see you in three months for the Great War of The World.”

Jason’s son, Jack, walked out of the room.  He did not say a word to the others after his grand speech.  He could feel the great crowd cheering after the speech. They were getting themselves ready for the war.

He walked out of the interlocking catacombs to the elevator. He pushed the button to go up to his newly bequeathed office. He walked to his new desk. He sat down and smiled. He then opened up the old file 0101 Unknown on the computer monitor and terminated all of the double-gangers in the warehouse next to his father’s lab, except for only one.

James in an all new acquired body, at the warehouse, he awoke to see all of his bodies were dead and no longer living in their slumberous state. He looked around and could not find anything that could have told him who done it.

He then took his nice old streamlined car to the Omega Organization. Once there, he stomped his way up to his, now old, office and saw Jackson sitting in his old chair. He walked over and said, “What the in fucking raging hell that is called my mind did you do?”

“Well, you fucking old bastard, I made the playing field a bit more even and started the gears to turn in getting this war in the world started. Something you would not have done, except in three years, but I guess now that the war will begin in the first week of July, of this year. You are no longer allowed to live forever in this world and waste the innocent lives you use so you can live with no regret of what you do to this world. Get out of my damn office and go back down to Destination Hell and get my father’s body. We are going to need it for when he returns,” Jack told his grandfather.

James walked out of the office in a mad rampage and did what he was asked to do. He went and got Jason’s body and took it up to the Omega Labs section of the organization’s building and waited for Jay to return…

…Where we left off…Jason walked around in circles and wished he could return. He went over and asked God, “Can I return?”

“That is the one thing I hoped you were going to ask and you may.”

God took him to the place where souls returned to earth and said, “Do not come back until it is time for you to really die.”

He walked over and fell back down to earth not knowing what was awaiting him… As Jason re-entered his body, the damage that was done form the bullet faded away.

Jason woke up back on earth in the lab where James placed his body. As he started to look around, out of a daze, he saw his son walking over to him and said, “Welcome back, guess what today is. It is the day that world changes forever. You will stay here and do nothing at all to stop it.”

Jack walked out of the room. Jason got up and ran after him and once outside the laboratory ward he saw the destruction that happened in the time he was up in Heaven. He saw everything was wiped clean off the face of the earth. He could not believe that this could have happened to the world when he was gone for a short amount of time.

What Jason did not realize was that he was up in the sky for almost three months…The day was July 1st, 2666…Indeed the world had changed…To Be Continued
-Jon McKay

(O’Connell Family Historian)

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