Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chapter 3 | January 31, 2666

A few weeks after his brother’s disappearance, Jason went to his library on the big island of Hawaii and the only island to survive the explosion. He went to the once active volcano and down into the shaft to the door of the library. He entered to see that everything was still intact. He went over to the computer and entered the number 510208. It opened up a file called, 0101 Unknown. He clicked the icon on the computer monitor and the document showed everything that was going on in the Omega Organization’s headquarters. Including a secret building that was not listed on any of Jason’s own records of the organization.

This building was right next to one of Jason’s own facilities in the Bronx. He walked out of his library, jumped down into the rest of the old magma shaft. He jumped all the way down to the small opening at the bottom. He opened the door and jumped into the Long Shot. This device was used by Jason to get to reach any of his labs in the world in quickest way possible. He typed in the coordinates of the Bronx laboratory in New York City.

It only took about twenty seconds to get there. He walked over to Lab 01-2. He opened up the lab’s doors to found the entire place abandoned, but there was blood everywhere. His mind stumbled on another memory.

Within the memory…He saw hoards of people breaking everything that was in sight. He saw one man taking one of the technicians into another room and pointed a thirty two millimeter Glock at the person’s head. The man asked, “Where is Jason James O’Connell?”

The tech answered, “I do not know sir. He has not been here in weeks.”

“Shows you what kind of boss he is,” the man began, “It shows you he is week. He is secretive and does not care about anyone in his corporation. The angel’s of death will kill him and this world will be rid of the most evil person in the world…”

…The memory faded. Jason was severally disturbed at the man’s assumptions of himself. His eyes began to water. The tears ran even more when he saw what was in the next room. Within the room were the technicians. They were all dead. There was a massive quantity of blood all around the room.

Jason looked into his heart and prayed for the first time since he was a little child in church. He prayed for the souls that were lost and that these innocent people’s attackers would find justice. He did not know who did it, but he had a hunch, that hunch would prove to be wrong.

In the back room, there was his brother, Jacob. He opened the door and saw that there was no life in him at all. His brother’s body was cold and lifeless; there was no light inside. His brother was dead. Then, more tears ran down Jason’s face because he knew that he was, now, the only O’Connell Brother alive in the world. Jason looked around the room to find that nothing was as it was.

He walked out of the back room of the lab. He walked pass the bodies of his fellow scientists and did not look back. He was still taking it all in. He could not believe that this happened because of him not accepting the offer in the first place.

After gathering his thoughts, he walked over to the building across the street. He walked into something that would rattle any one person’s mind. Inside, were bodies of some man and they were all the same. They were in some kind of stage of slumber. He walked over to one of the containers. He examined it and saw that it was cracked open. There was no body within it. He turned around and saw the omega symbol stamped on the wall. He walked out of the building and did not want to return.

Within the building were the genetic bodies of his grandfather waiting to be used. Each body was genetically alike. Each body was marked differently by a three digit code. Each of them was a double-ganger for his grandfather’s soul to attach itself to, if he were ever shot or killed. His soul never went to the one place where it was meant to go, Hell.

 Jason did not know that he walked into a place that no one man had seen before, except for the one person that helped create the bodies. As Jason walked out of the building, someone was alive once again. He was standing. He was watching his grandson walk away.  

His grandfather’s new body was up and ready to kill every person that was in its way. The body began to feel the things that were in the room. He began to understand where he was. His mind began to sink into the body itself. Then, the body began to feel the presence of James’ soul. After the soul of James was felt by the body, the old soul that was pure was destroyed and James’ was the victor.

James looked around the warehouse of his double-gangers to see that all of the double-gangers were still intact. As he walked around the facility in his newly acquired body, James saw that there were still twenty-three bodies left in warehouse. He looked at his entire collection of bodies to use. He knew each was perfect to his own liking. He looked at his grandson, Jason, and smiled. He said in his head, “You still have much to learn about our family. You still do not understand that we will never die. We are the higher beings on this planet and we shall one day rule it once again.”

As Jason left the building, he saw something. He saw the truth about it all. He looked into his mind to try and decode that message that his brother, John, told him. He looked at the saying that his brother told him. He remembered, “You have what you need. Use it to unlock the truth within the light in the brightness right across from the righteous young philosopher.”

He knew before that he had to go to a library, but he did not know which one to go to. There we two still in the world, his and another. He did not want to go to the other one. The other library housed some kind of secret. This secret was too big for any one man to comprehend. Only a few entered the library and only one came back out. That one person was Jason’s father, John Sr.

So, he decided to go to the other library. He walked to the edge of the piece of the earth he was on and jumped off into the water. He swam to the other side of the world. He jumped out of the water and onto the piece of earth where the library was located.

He walked up a long and winding path and found the library in an old monk monastery. He walked up the steps and opened the doors. A voice called out and asked, “Who comes here to The Library of The Unknowns?”

“It is I, Jason James O’Connell, the son of John James O’Connell. I am here to find out something about my brother, Jacob James O’Connell and my other two brothers.”

“Okay, Jason James O’Connell, you may enter, but answer this, “How is life a book?”” the voice asked.

Jason answered, “Life is like a book because it has a beginning, middle, and ending.”

“You may enter.” A monk’s voice told Jason.

He entered and he looked around. He saw every single history that was in the world. He also got to see all the futures that were in the world.

Jason walked to his family’s section and found that there were three books missing from the shelf. They were not to be found within the library. Jason walked over to one of the monks and asked, “Where are the histories of my brothers Jacob, Jonah, and John Junior?”

“They are not three separate books but one. Those empty spots on the shelf are for the story you are going to write. You and your brothers are special. You are the only four people in the world that are one person. All of you are now one person once again.”

Jason stepped back and could not believe what happened. He looked down and saw something. He saw his brothers. They were with him. They were in his mind. He closed his eyes and looked into his mind where he could think. Within his mind were his brother Jacob, Jonah, and John Jr. They looked at him and said, “We have a mission to complete. It is time to take down the one organization that is evil in the world.”

Jason opened his eyes and saw that all the monks were gone and he saw a man walking into the room. This man looked familiar. It was his father, John Senior, he was walking toward him and he said, “Jason, if you are here I want to tell you one thing…”

“What?” Jason asked.

“…There is a room within my house. This room leads to a secret underground. There you will find the book in which you and your brother’s are in. Also, you will find a cauldron where the water is held.”

Jason’s father walked out of the library. Then, all the monks reappeared. They looked at Jason and said, “You are one of the luckiest persons on the planet. You get to experience something that we all want to experience. You can experience the past in the present. The theory of Time Hick-ups is true. The theory that you’ve been working on is actually true.”

“What Time Hick-up Theory?” Jason asked.

“The theory that you developed in the year 2667,” The monk told Jason.

“What year is it?” Jason asked.

“It is the year 2666. Why?” They asked Jason

“Nothing,” He said to them. He walked away from them and smiled and knew that they were to be trusted. He did not look back for something huge was about to be revealed to him in the coming weeks…To Be Continued

-Jon McKay
(O’Connell Family Historian)

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