Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chapter 2 | January 2, 2666

The following day Jason set off to find his twin brother, Jacob. His brother was taken somewhere where no one in the O’Connell Family would know where he was. There was a single piece of paper in the lab that read: If you want to know where your brother is go to the Omega Organization.

Jason went to the organization that, in a single instant, destroyed his career and future legacy. He walked up to the building, opened the massive glass doors, he walked in, and went to the security desk. He asked, “Who called me here today? Why in the fucking world am I here of all places?”

The security officer answered, “Hello, Jason, your cousin, Leo, wants to talk to you about something. Go to the right elevator, go up to the twenty-third floor, he is in his office at the end of the hallway, and he is waiting for you.”

Jason went to over the right elevator, got in, and went up to the floor that his cousin was on. He stepped out into the hallway, walked to his cousin’s office, he opened the door, and he heard, “Jason does not know what he is about to give us. He does not understand what he is about to do will forever change him.”

He stormed into the room in a blaze of fire and asked, “What important thing am I about to give to you? Also, how will it forever change me?”

“You will be giving the Omega Organization your undying allegiance to destroy this world that you created. We will begin the war once again to turn this world back into the wasteland it once was. You will be forever marked as the man that destroyed the world,” his cousin replied to him.

“I do not think so, brother. You will die! You will see what you have done to this world. You will see that your actions are more powerful than the words you speak. You will no longer be a part of this family. You will be forever dead in my mind,” Jason started, “Where is my brother?”

“He is nowhere to be found by you or me. He is no longer with us. I know that you now know what our true future was to be. We were to run our father’s Brotherhood and destroy all the powerful entities in the world,” Jason paused for a brief second and continued, “I never wanted to be a part of that society because power is the only thing that makes our family different. We have all the power in the world. We will over through the government that runs it and make it into our image. We will be kings once again.”

“Well, brother, Jonah James O’Connell, I beg to differ. This entire world is our family. We are not the only powerful family in the world. We are a part of the original three families that walked this planet. I guess you do not remember what our father taught us about this world because our fucking damn asshole of a grandfather brain washed you into what he believed in. Do not you see what this man has done to you? He has turned you into a fucking damn moron. You follow his damn orders and see what nothing but hurt you bring to the world,” Jason asked.

Jason stormed out of the room, he never looked back, the pain was too much to handle. He went to the elevator and remembered something from the memory of his father’s death. He went up to the very top floor that no one knew about. He entered into his father’s old office. He saw the dust of the past caked to everything. The memories came flooding in. A tear ran down his face. It fell to the ground slowly.

As it hit the ground, a small but powerful memory came in. What he saw was himself and his father walking in the old garden at their house in the Hamptons. He and his father were talking about something, but he could only pick-up the last sentence. “Son, my boy, you are not alone in the world. Remember that…”  

Where he was he was all alone. He could not feel the presence of anyone from his past or present. His brother was missing, he could not find his best friend, and he was still on the run from the world itself. He saw everything was different then on the day that he and his father talked.

Once inside the room, Jason walked over to his father’s desk. He saw all of the photos still in their frames like it was yesterday that his father was there sitting and trying to destroy this evil organization. He looked everywhere in the room and found the hidden button his father told him about. He pushed the button underneath the globe of the old world. It opened up the secret door behind his father’s bookcase.

Jason walked over to the bookcase, pushed it out of the way, and opened the door. Inside, there was a secret that was kept from him and the world. It was a place that was a well of truth, a place that his father took him when he was a child.

Jason knew all about the room because his father told him once about a place that was a secret even to the Omega Organization. This place was where a whole new world was started. It was also where someone was hidden from the world. Inside, this place was an un-aging girl with the power to turn time forward or backward.

He walked into the secret room, the bookcase closed behind him in. Then, neon lights turned on. He pushed a button, the room began to grow bigger and bigger. He walked to the middle of the room to see that there were four chairs, in the middle a cauldron filled with weird colored water.

A man walked out into the room and said, “Hello, son, I have been waiting for your return.”

“Dad, it is great to see you again. I am glad that we get to meet for the very first time in a long time,” Jason told his father.

“I am really pleased that you remembered everything that I told you when you were a child. For your brother’s on the other hand, they did not listen. You listened to my every word. They did not…”

“…Wait one damn minute,” Jason interrupted, “They did not trust you because they did not know you like I did. I knew all about your secret organization. They did not. They knew the surface you. They did not know the underground you, which at one time, was caked with mystery.”

“I hate when you do that. You pull the one line from that book I read you. The Covert Operative,” His father began, “I read you that book for twelve months straight. That book did not make any sense whatsoever. It did not have a storyline at all. It was very disgustingly graphic for a little kid. It made you who you are today, a traitor.”

“I loved that novel; it was one that made me do what I do now. I am still understood. I have saved everyone in the world and they do not even know what I did,” Jason started, “I was an operative for my company and everything that it stands for is all because of me. I am not the traitor. You are you betrayed your family for not revealing that you were alive to anyone including your own brother.”

Jason looked across the room to the opposite corner. He did not want to talk to his father anymore. He did not want to be there but there was something about the room that was familiar. He looked around the room. He saw that it was the room where he was baptized. He looked at the cauldron. He saw that is was different. It was bubbling and it was all different colors. He looked at his father and shouted, “Why the hell do you have the soup that began all life in a place like this? Why was I baptized in its water?”

“Son, that water is the only thing that I wanted this organization to protect, but now my father, your grandfather with his Omega Council wanted to destroy the world. So, I hid the water behind my old desk in the room that was not even there. About the baptized part, you were given a gift to look into the minds of the people of the world. I brought here to make you young again so the three years deducted from your life would go away,” his father answered his questions.

He looked away and began to think about everything. He looked at his father and asked one final question, “Where is Jacob?”

“He is no longer with us,” his father smiled

“Fuck you, grandfather. I knew it was you all along. You smile too fucking much. You do not even know what that fucking book is all about. This cauldron is filled with all the time that has been spent and that will be spent in the world. This room belongs to me. This is the room where my brothers and I were to rebuild the world. Also, you killed Vivian Victoria O’Connell, my niece. You know something, you are a fucking asshole, this world is cruel and when you uncover the greatest evil you no longer look at the world in the same light again.”

“You are as good as your father. Your father is really dead. He is no longer with us,” his grandfather told him.

Jason walked out of the room and put a bullet right in his grandfather’s head. He looked behind him and the cauldron was gone. He looked beyond the room, he saw his niece’s body, and went over to it. He looked closely at her face. It looked similar to his brother John’s. He looked at her and a memory of hers came to life before his very eyes…

…In the memory, he saw his brother holding Vivian and cuddling her. He told her something and it was, “As long as I am alive, you are my everlasting angel. I will not let go of you. I will always protect you from anything.”

He also saw a number 510208 on the computer he was working on. The final thing he saw was his brother kissing her good night and looking straight at Jason and saying, “You have what you need. Use it to unlock the truth within the light in the brightness right across the righteous young philosopher.”

Jason nodded and knew where to go with the information that was given to him to save his brother, Jacob, from the Omega Organization. The memory faded and he looked at the floor and figured out the coded message and he ran for the window and jumped out…To Be Continued…

-Jon McKay
(O’Connell Family Historian)

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