Thursday, February 2, 2012

Prologue | The History Before The Explosive Begin

In the distant future, there is a time of uncertainty and dismay. The world is no longer a united governing body. It has been split apart by politics and unknowns, but it is somehow still connected. The world’s physical timeline was about to run its course with a massive life ending explosion. The world would have ended, but the planet was put back together by one man, Jason James O’Connell.

He is also known as Jay, to his family and friends, but to the rest of the world he is known by his first name. This one man helped the world in its greatest hour of need. Jason saved it from itself in a time of great wars and battles for power. He and he alone started up a corporation named Jason Laboratories Incorporated (J-Labs). It was established exactly five years before the world exploded at the beginning of the year 2666.

In the year 2661, Jason created his world wide corporation and bought every laboratory facility in the world to create a great empire that would shape the world for the next four years with new inventions and great innovations that saved the world from the brink of destruction. His innovations and inventions were talked about in everyone’s conversations around the globe. This one man was the one thing, everyone, in the world could agree upon, that Jason was the greatest inventor of the decade and in the world.

The one thing that the world did not know about Jason was that he, himself, was a part of something much bigger. He belonged to the O’Connell Family, one of the largest and most secretive families in the world. His family founded the Omega Organization just before the beginning of the twenty-seventh century.

This organization was created to help serve the people of the world for ill-fates, but there was corruption in its inner workings and higher-ups. Someone killed another to seize control over the organization. The Omega Organization started the Great Thirty Years War. At another point in time, in the same organization, Jason’s Uncle Leonardo Luke O’Connell killed his own brother to take control of the company and gave it to his son Leo Luke O’Connell Jr.

Jason put the Omega Organization out of his life and did not want to be a member of his Family’s greatest misconceived contribution to the world. He believed that his uncle did not kill his father. He still believes that his grandfather, James O’Connell, killed his father in some way and form. He does not know how, but he knows that his uncle would not or could not have killed his own brother.

When he built and founded his company, he was married to Andrea Carr. He and his wife had a son, Jackson James O’Connell. They were a happy family. Until, one day or night, while driving home, they experienced a car crash which would have killed Jason and their son. This accident was a planned one. Jason and his son did survive the crash. Jason took his son to his main laboratory inside the run down Statue of Liberty in New York City.

There inside the lab, Jason took his latest invention of creating robotic appendages and applied it to his son’s young body. His son did not have any of his appendages after the car crash. So, Jay took the prototypes of his new and still secretive invention. For the first time in history, man and machine were merged together in one body. He, also, fashioned a bio-mechanical brain for himself. He had serious brain injuries and trauma to his entire central-cortex, but was still able to create this brain of his because he kept it hidden from the world since the beginning of his corporation’s existence.

His best friend and colleague for many years, Evan Tomas O’Donnell, performed the operation and transplanted the brain into Jason’s skull. The operation was a perfect success. Jason and his son were in tip-top shape once again. This was the one and only time Jason feared for his own self safety. This fear did not come again until one month before the world was going to explode.

During that month, on December first, He saw the world’s atmosphere disappear. He, then, created something to hide the fact the world was going to end. He created or invented the Atmospheric Re-generator. He put into the air on December third. It was a complete success and it proved to be one of the most important inventions of the twenty-seventh century. He also created sixty different titanium alloy steel enforced rods at the various sites where plates touched each other. This was done in secret on the same day.

It was one of the most secretive covert operations in the world. Only a few close people to Jason knew about the operation. They were Jason’s older twin brother Jacob James O’Connell, Evan, and Jason, himself. There was one final thing that Jason invented that no one knew he had invented. It was the very first Time Machine. It was hidden in the torch of the statue. It did not stop time. It just allowed the operator to stop it and control it. The design was based on a drawing of the old Big Ben’s hidden clock.

He used the time machine to help record all of history and put that known knowledge in his library in Hawaii. Also, there was a journal where he wrote all of his family’s secrets in. He put the journal in his vault, where all his secrets were kept far away from the world.

Just two weeks before the world exploded, Jason received some entail about his family’s company and what was going on inside the organization. His informant was his cousin, Leo. He told Jason that something big was going down in the company and that they wanted him back, but Jason refused the offer. By not accepting the offer, he set in motion something that would change his life forever. Jason did not realize that he just started the doomsday clock of the world.

As the final weeks of December passed by, something happened to the world. The world finally stopped to listen to the Omega Organization’s cry to destroy Jason James O’Connell. His cousin Leonardo Luke O’Connell Jr. said, “We believe that one of the greats of our generation is about to destroy the world, in doing so he will rise to power and will take control of this planet. He has already started the ball to roll. He setup places around the world to split the world by its plates.  He will also remake history in his own image. You know him as the great Jason O’Connell. Soon this world will no longer be run by the government that has been governing it for the last twenty-five years. This world will be his. So rise up against him and become a rebellion against the evil one. Become a part of the Omega Organization and fight for the truth.”

This speech in a single instant destroyed Jason’s life. His entire family was in danger. Now, He had to go into hiding, until it all would blow over, but it did not until the final moments of the world itself.

Jason was hiding in his lab, when the bell struck eleven fifty-nine on December 31, 2665 he began to stop the world. His mind was full of questions. He slowed the planet’s rotation down, at exactly midnight of the next year.

As Jason looked out the window, he saw the world’s crust begin to crack under the pressure that was coming from within the earth’s core. He saw everything going in slow motion. He, then, released the rods. All the rods connected to the designated target areas. Once again, the world was whole, but it was once again divided from what the Omega Organization said. They also wanted to kill Jason.

He began, to add pressure to the earth's water. He condensed all of it into the center of the new world where magma once was contained. Inside the water was nothing at all, but there were places that once were on the surface and below hidden from the world.

On top of the world were all the fish and other sea life in big tanks. At the bottom of the world was the one place where Jason could be safe, his very own laboratory. The world was together again and soon new mysteries would surface…Prologue End…Story to Be Continued

Jon McKay
(O’Connell Family Historian)

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