Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chapter 12 | December 11, 2666 (Continued)

He looked at his father and continued with, “As if I had choice in killing my son…I am going to have to. I want this war to end. It has to end.”Jason’s father disappeared. He walked away and knew that he could not change what was about to happen. He decided to kill his one and only son. The tears began to come out and he could not stop them. The raw emotion of killing his son just overtook him. He calmed his mind and walked.

He walked back on the battlefield and shouted, “SON! I will put an end to this fucking war. When I kill you on the final day of this year a great era a peace shall begin. I do not like the thought of you being killed by my hands, but it must be my hands. I will love you, my greatest accomplishment to this world, forever and always.”

Jack heard his father’s voice over the crowd. The tears began to come out and he knew that his end was coming ever so close. He could feel the bullet penetrate his skin. He could feel it tearing through the muscle and the bone. He could feel the pain and suffering of the world lifted off of his shoulders. He could finally see clearly again.

He went to the place where the lies began. He walked over to the crash site and felt everything. He saw all the lies slip back in, but he pushed them away. He pushed them out and did not allow them to come back in. Then behind him was a person that feed him those lies. There she was his mother, a liar and fraud.

He looked at her and finally said what he had to say, “Fuck you, you bitch. You did all of this to me and my father. You destroyed our family. You will die for what you have done to me and this world. Fuck you for what you had plotted with my great grandfather, James. You were going to kill me, an innocent little kid, for what, being the future of this family and the purifying light that would put an end to all the suffering that happened to the world because of him. Damn you, mother.”

He paused for a second, “You did not even care about me, your son. I will not miss you after this day. I will not miss you because you are an asshole and a partner of a raging psychopath. Good-bye mother, this is just good fucking damn good business for the world.”

Jack shot her and felt the pain that his father would feel when he would shot him. The tears fell, but this time they were clearer than ever before. His eyes were red from the salty tears. He could no longer feel anything for his mother. He took her away from the road. He put here on a makeshift raft and sent her to the depths of the water below.

His father felt what his son was feeling. He did love her still, but that love was bitter as a leachy nut. He could no longer give up on the fight. He had to get it over with once and for all, but there were still a few more days of fighting that would occur before that fateful day.

Jason fell to the ground and closed his eyes. He began to fall asleep. He did not want to say word to anyone around him. He fell asleep and the day ended in happiness and in sadness.

December 15, 2666

Sixteen days till the bitter sweet end… The war was still raging onward. Millions upon millions of men, women, and even the purist and innocent of people, children, where killed. The world turned red. The water within the world was red from all of the blood running down from all the pieces of the world’s own crust. A faint fragrance of decaying bodies filled the air. The world was not as it once was.

The world, itself, was bleeding out. Nothing could stop it, except for what was about to happen in the coming days. A father and son struggle would finally come to an end. Each one’s journeys would finally end. The outcome would be a bond, stronger than a mighty dam. Nothing would or could not break it.

The months and weeks that drove them apart would bring them together. They would see eye to eye for the first time in a long while. The two of them would be as equals. They would not hesitate. They would not take anything for granted after this moment in time.

The song great and powerful song Amazing Grace echoed throughout the land. A silent undertone of, THIS IS THE DAY, followed suit. Jason could feel and hear the song. He then uttered one final word, “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know that he is watching me…”

…Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see…

…This is the day, this is the day. That the lord has made, that the lord has made. Let us rejoice, let us rejoice, and be glad in it, and be glad in it…

December 21, 2666

Ten days till the final confrontation…Jason walked the battlefield and saw everything that was once standing. He saw the churches, town halls, movie theaters, and train stations all turned into rubble. He walked up to the monastery where the McKay archives were. He saw all of them dead.

He looked at the Tri-Family seal and he only saw the O’Connell Family part of the seal still lit up. He shed his tear for the families that were once in the world. His final act at the monastery was to burn it to the ground, but he did not when he saw the Unchanging Chamber. It was locked and inside the chamber were the double gangers that he wanted to be in there.

As Jason walked out of the library, Eric McKay said, “Your son brought your grandfather here and put him in there with all of the double gangers. He walked into the vault and was purified once again. So, when you kill him forgive him…”

Eric then died. Jason prayed for him and walked away. Underneath the tears, was a smile for what Eric told him was true. His son was pure once again. Jason looked at the monastery and smiled. He looked around him and saw the dawning of a new day in his life, as well as, in his son’s life.

Jack looked up where the sun once could be seen in the sky and said, “This is the day, this is the day, which the lord has made, which the lord has made…”

“…Let me rejoice, let me rejoice, and be glad in it, and be glad in it,” Jason said.

Together they sang, “For this is the day, this is day that the lord has made.”

For the very first time, the both of them were closer to god than ever before. They felt his presence and knew that this was going to be fine. They looked up and fell asleep and they knew that the final day of the war was nearer than ever before.

December 31, 2666

On the day of the final battle, Jason and Jack looked at the sky to see what their final day was going to be like. All the other battles were over except for the one between Jason and his son. The two of them knew that everything was going to be different from then on out.

The two of them walked to the edge of their planet chunks and jumped to the final battlefield. Both led what was left of their armies into battle. The two armies were at the ready, both father and son said in unison, “Charge!”

Both armies ran at each other and in the middle a great blast of energy surged outward. Blood was everywhere. No one man, woman, or child was safe in all the fighting. It was too ugly to describe from both sides of the battle. There was blood and unattached body parts everywhere in sight.

In the end, Jason said good-bye to his older twin brothers and his father. The final tear came and he said, “Son, this is between you and me, no one else shall lose their life because of me and you. This war and conflict between you and me has to end here and now!”

Jack said to himself, “Let us finally get this over with.” He looked over to see where his father was. He could not see him. His father was doing the same thing and could not find his son. They could not find each others’ eyes. When they did they knew that they wanted to get this over with before it was too late.

The two of them charged at each other. Their pasts began to flash before their own eyes. The memories or each other and their family began to fade into the past. Their conflict between themselves began to hit its epic conclusion.

The end was coming ever so nearer. The final nail in the coffin was about to come. They fought and fought to the last bitter sweet moment for the both of them. There was blood all over the place. In the distance they could hear the final chime of the last hour of the day beginning to pass by.

In that last hour of the final day of the final month of the day, they looked in each other’s eyes. They were standing as equals. They were once again father and son. They were no longer enemies, but they were equals. They did not look back at the past. There was nothing to be said about it.

They looked toward the future. The both of them wanted the world to be a better and safer place to live in. Then, it came to pass, the final few minutes passed. It was time to end it for good. The end was here. It was time to say good-bye to one another and hope that the outcome on the other side was the right one…

Jack said to his father, “I never wanted this to happen to the world. It has come to this moment. You and I knew that this damn fucking moment had to come to pass. I will never look back again. I have seen the truth and I am finally ready to weep what I have sown. It is the bitter sweet end of my life. I will miss you father.”

Jason looked at his son one final time and said, “I forgive you! I forgive you, my son. I will see you on the other side…”

Jason then heard the final minute begin to pass by. He began to pull the trigger. He felt the bullet be released from the chamber. He saw the bullet fly as the final seconds began to wind down. As the fired bullet flew through the air, Jackson began to see where it was going to enter his body.

As that bullet that would forever change the timeline that they were on was traveling in air, the past began to fade away. The future began to get even brighter and a glimpse of a great era of peace began to flood the mind of Jason and his son.

As final second passed, the bullet penetrated the body of his son he saw that day that changed his life forever, as well as, son’s life. Jason began to see the car go backwards and the strain of that horrible memory disappear from his mind. A final faint tear fell to the ground.

As it hit the ground, Jason cleared his mind. He looked up at the sky. As the light passed over him, he finally could say what he wanted to say, “I am at peace…”

The light passed over the world and enveloped it with the hopes of an even better future began to pass over the world. The tear that fell came back up and disappeared. The conflict that occurred during the last half of the year began to disappear. The bullets that penetrated everyone disappeared and the damage could no longer be seen. The white door stained with blood disappeared.

The Omega Building was standing once again, but not for long. The world was about to forget one of the biggest years in its history. There was nothing to see, but a great future lay ahead of them. The world was back at a place that was a much better place to launch a better tomorrow and allowing the future generations to live in peace and harmony. This was the greatest test and accomplishments in the history of mankind and even the world.

Beyond The Light:

At the new beginning of the same month before the now unknown year of 2666, Jason, Jack, Jason’s three brothers, and their father smiled at one another, found the evil names James. They looked into his eyes and did not feel a thing for him. He tried to get away, but he could not. He begged for forgiveness and was not given the chance.

James looked at them and closed his eyes. Jason took the revolver from his father and fired the final shot that would finally kill the person that destroyed the family. The evil named James was, finally, gone from the world. He could no longer come back into the world. He was finally removed from the world and was in the place he was supposed to be in.

They walked to the warehouse, just in case, and saw nothing moving at all. They then jumped to the monastery and opened the Unchanging Chamber and saw the dead double gangers were still there. James was finally gone from the world.

Jason at the end of all of this finally felt his feeling of being alone was gone. He was with his family once again. He was happy… They were all happy…

…All was well in the world…The End of The First Year…

-Jon McKay
(Lead O’Connell Historian)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 11 | December 1, 2666

It was, finally, the last month of the year, which rocked Jason’s life. This meant that one of the greatest wars, that the world has ever seen, was about to end. After the war was said and done a great era of enlightenment would begin. If you wanted to know the war would end in thirty days, to be exact. This war broke apart a family bond and relationship.

The only way to mend it is to kill one or the other. They both knew that the final day of the year was to be the one day that would decide the fate of an entire world. The father understood what he had to do to save the world. The son also knew what he had to do to help save the world, but let his father take the credit, to clear his name from the wrong doings that he did not commit on the world.

Both father and son, Jason and Jack, knew that everything they knew about the world was about to change forever. Their world that then once knew would be wiped clean by a vale of purifying light.

They both understood what the outcome was going to do for the world. It was going to give it a second chance to do things right. It was not saving it, but it was going to illuminate it from what it was doing to itself. Jason and Jack knew there was work to be done after the great light enveloped the world.

The two of them, father and son, wanted something better for the world after the great deed of self sacrifice occurred. It was going to be a day that would live in their minds, like the day that changed their lives did, but, this time, they world remember it as the day that the world was saved by purifying light.

Jason looked up at the stars, and thought to himself that what he helped the world achieve in the end was to achieve a state of peace and understanding. He understood the final days that lay ahead of him were leading up to the final battle were going to be too strenuous to handle. These final twenty-nine days would be too brutal to handle for he knew everyone. It would also unlock the potential of healing and the understanding of why this all had to happen.

At the same time, his son, Jack, stared straight up at the stars and he thought to himself, my life was full of wrong doings. I have no one but myself to blame. As that thought crossed his mind, he saw his great Uncle Leonardo Luke O’Connell fall to the ground from a gunshot, he was dead in an instant.

Jack looked away from his great uncle’s lifeless body. He thought about how his uncle died an innocent man who was pulled into a war that was unnecessary and did not have a clear winner at the end of it. A tear began to run down both sides of his face. Then one final tear fell of his father’s face.

The two of them knew that blood would be shed on both sides of the conflict. They also knew that the innocent blood from the people forced to fight would be on the ground. Also those people would have died in vain. They knew the tears would flow freely from all the people’s faces. This great epic and final battle would forever change the bond between the world and its leaders. A more united and free world would come out onto to the world from the light that engulfs it.

Jason took that book of hymns of his out of the drawer in the vault within his study at his lab and began to sing a little song, “Amazing grace. How sweet the sound? That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found; was blind but now I see…” A tear then ran his face. He could almost hear another person singing in the distance…

That voice was his son, Jack, and he sang, “Amazing grace. How sweet that sound? It saved a wretch like me. I was lost, but now I am found; once I was blind, now I can see…”

The song echoed throughout the Statue of Liberty. Jason could feel the presence of peace and forgiveness. There was warmth a kind of within him. He could feel the great and mighty lord within him.

Jason whipped the tears from his eyes and looked around and prayed, “Father, forgive me f my sins. I have not prayed for a long time now. What I am about to do will forever impact the world. I pray now on to you with my heart set to undo the wrong doings of my grandfather, James. I pray for strength and understanding of why these events have occurred. I pray in my fellow brother’s and your son’s name, A-men.”

Then, in the distance on the land next to the battered tree, Jack began to pray, “Father, forgive me of my sins. I hope and pray for great strength for what is about to happen to me and my father. I can see what I truly am. Forgive me for what I started. Just forgive me for what I am about to do. I know that you are real and that your will always be with me, in your son’s and my brother’s name, A-men.”

Jack then heard the song echo through the wind. He thought he could hear throughout the world, after he prayed. He then, knew that everything was right for the first time in a long while. He shed a tear. As that tear fell, he saw the Atmospheric Regenerator fall from the sky, for real this time. The heavens changed colors and he knew the end was coming ever so close. His father also knew that the end of his son’s life was about to come to pass, and a final tear fell down both of their faces.

December 8, 2666

Twenty three days till the final battle…As the war raged onward, a few faces fell to the ground; a friend, a family member and a brother. No words could describe what Jason was feeling. He could not let go of his brother. He did not want to be alone again. He did not want to feel the way he did before. Jason walked over to his fellow twin brother, Jacob.

Jacob looked up at his brother and said, “Fight the fight till the very end…”

Then, as the last breathe came out of his brother’s body, Jason felt a tear run down his face. He then said, “Good-bye, brother. God protect him and keep his soul safe. He was dragged into this war like I was with the rest of the world. I can no longer stand for this. Forgive the sinner that did this to me and the world, A-men.”

He then walked over to his best and most trusted friends, Evan. He looked at the almost half mangled body of his friend and prayed. Jason asked for his forgiveness in what he did to him and his family. Evan’s face grew cold and lifeless. Jason closed his friend’s eyes and walked away.

Finally, he walked over to Mitch, his best friend and trusted advisor. He said to him, “You will not die today, you will live forever.”

Jason could feel their souls go up to Heaven and he said to his own self, “I am sorry, that your eternal slumber will not last, forgive me, my fellow brothers. You will be alive once again.”

He knew everyone that was being killed around him. He also knew that this war was too brutal for him to handle. He saw a vision of the white door. It was right in front of him, and it was laced in blood once again. A door once the color of peace and purity now stained with the blood of the innocent.

As the vision faded, he began to run for the enemy and he stabbed twenty unknown blind innocent men that followed his grandfather’s ideology. He looked at their faces and began to cry even harder for innocent blood he did not want to shed. A faint memory began to creep back in his mind.

Twenty-one years ago, he killed one million innocent people and he could not forgive himself of it. It was all because of his grandfather, James. He got into Jason’s mind and corrupted his entire soul. The memory faded back into nothingness.

There were bodies upon bodies were around him. He saw all the faces of the families that fought for a common cause for the bettering of the human race, but he could bear to watch all of the mutilation which was occurring around him. He ran for his life and saw his son’s face pass through his mind.

His son, Jack, on the other hand did not know anyone that was around him when they died. The only thing he could do for them was to close their eyes, so they could sleep in peace at a time of great turmoil. He walked past many people lying on the ground and did not want to see any more bodies around him. He walked away and never looked back again, but he did pray a prayer for all the people that were around him.

Jack walked away from the massive war zone. He did not want to see any more of this. He could feel everything that his father was going through. He could feel the pain and the anger. He was about to collapse from all the emotions that were running though his head, when he thought, “What happened to the unchanging chamber? Was it disturbed?”

He could not think about it one bit. He ran for it. The emotions were running high in his head. He did not want to think about it but it was all he could think about. What else could he think about? His father and what he had to do to save the world He knew what his father had to do. He had to kill his one and only son. Which in this case was Jack, himself, was to be shot to save the world from the horrors of this raging war. The day ended with him and his thoughts.

December 11, 2666

Twenty days till the end…Jack saw all of destruction that he caused. He saw all the heartbreak that occurred because of him and his “great” grandfather. He went back to the McKay’s library and saw that they were all killed and the Unchanging Chamber was opened. Inside the chamber, was the entire collection of his “great” grandfather’s double ganger bodies, but James, himself, was nowhere to be found.

He closed the chamber again and sealed it tight enough so that his grandfather could not get back into it, so what was inside would stay the same could not be touched.

Where his father was…Behind Jason was his grandfather. He looked at him and said, “See what you have done to this world. It is now hell on earth because of what you have done to my son. You have taken away his light and purity. You will die old man for what you have done.”

“Your son wanted me to tell you that I can no longer live forever. He terminated all of my double gangers in that warehouse next to your lab facility in New York. So you can kill now, but be careful I may come back when everything is said and done. One final thing though, fuck you grandson. Fuck you and your fucking brothers. Fuck your father and your god damn son. You will destroy everything that I was put on this earth to do…”

“…Fuck you old man, my name is Jason James O’Connell. I once killed one million people because of you. God forgave me of my sins. God will not save your soul. So, die old man!” Jason shouted before delivering the final bullet that would finally end the life of his grandfather, for the present time. He walked away and saw the future get brighter for once in his life.

Jason walked to his father and said, “The evil that was named James is dead for the time being. I hope that all the double gangers were put into the Unchanging Chamber in the Unknown Section of the Archives.”

Jonathan looked at his son, Jason, and said, “Now, about your son. Will you kill him to put an end to his war? Or will you not so your grandfather can no longer live…?”

“Father, I will not kill my son if I did not have to, but…”To Be Concluded.

-Jon McKay

Monday, October 22, 2012

Bloody December Part 1...

The Epic 2-Part
Finale Begins
Next Month
On November 4th

Bloody December
Begins Soon

The End Is Ever So Near.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chapter 10 | November 1, 2666

Jack was dragging his grandfather’s currently lifeless body for two and a half days, trying to get to the one of the places he thought his father did not know about and the Omega Army did not destroy in the raging war that was going on within the world. He walked to the monk monastery in the Alps of Western Europe on the boarder of the European and Asian continents. It was in a very top secret place that not everyone knew about. Some who went looking for it could not find it. They just got lost in all of the snow.

He walked up to the massive, ornate, wooden doors and said, “Open up! Open up! I have brought the evil one named James to be locked away in the chamber where time stands still. He must be alive. I need him alive. So, when time rewinds itself, I can kill him myself. We need to be washed of his sins and disseat. He needs to be killed, but not when I get a bullet put into my body. If he is not in there I cannot save the world. Just please open up!”

The massive doors opened slowly. Inside the doorway were the McKay Family and their library of record. It also contained the past, present, and future histories of everyone who was, is, and will ever live in the world. This monk monastery was the perfect place to keep all the known information about the world in one highly secretive and unknown location. It was done because it was secluded and no one could find it. It was hidden from the rest of the world.

This place’s location was only given to a select few, the head of each of the Tri-Family and, the exception, for entire McKay Family. The only person who found it was his great-great uncle Jonas Archer O’Connell. He found it. Also, Jack’s father found it, when he needed to find it to see the message that his father left for him.

Within the library there were tapestries, paintings, and old treasures from all eras of time. It was a kind of secret museum for a select few. The library was split into two parts. There was the “public” library which the Tri-Family could use to research about the person that they were going to fight and decided what their plan was to defeat this person of interest. The other part was the private archive, which only the heads of each of the families could use.

The massive and ever expanding “public” library was in the front of the building. It held all the current and known information that could be used in research and studies. It is dwarfed by the ever massive archive. Once, a man walked in and never came out alive. This part of the library was hidden behind a secret passage behind one of the set of bookcases. It is full of the books that tell of the histories of each person in the world past, present, and even the future.

Jack took his great grandfather to the Unchanging Chamber. Its’ current location is unknown, even to some of the McKay Family members. Anything that was put into the chamber does not move or change from the state when the item was put into it. Which means all of James’ dead double-gangers would not come to life.

So, Jack had to go and get James’ double-gangers so they could be put into the chamber. Jack did so and marked each one with a three digit code. He then put a permanent mark on the one that was still alive. He and the McKay Family members, which knew about the chamber, locked the door and sealed the chamber with enough air for him to survive.

Jack walked back into the massive library and asked Walter McKay, “What is within that vault over there?”

“Well, Jack,” Walter began, “Within that vault is something that cannot be explained by me or my family. That vault was installed by your family. Well, actually, your father did it. He installed it for anyone who needed answers to their questions. We are allowed within it, but we do not understand what it really is. It is something that must be experienced by a great few. I can tell you this you never come out the same.”

“May, I go into the vault?” Jack asked.

“You may go into the vault, but be warned my friend. The pure of heart may enter into the chamber, and walk right back out unchanged. The disheartened may enter, but shall not come out the same as they entered,” Walter answered Jack.

Jack looked at Walter and shook his head. He proceeded to walk over to the massive vault. He typed in his birth date because it was an eight digit lock. The door accepted the code. Jack opened it up, and walked into something that he knew little about. He looked behind him and saw the massive steel door close behind him slowly.  The vault itself locked the door. He did not know what was about to happen to him, but he did know he would never be the same after this moment going forward…

November 2-November 20, 2666

The vault computer began with, “Please stand in the middle of the room. Then, state your name. More instructions will be given shortly.”

Jack walked into the middle of the room and said, “My name is Jack James O’Connell, son of Jason James O’Connell.”

The vault computer then said, “Welcome, Jack O’Connell, you have been put on the wrong path in your life’s journey to your ultimate destiny to save the world. Please, open up your senses. Begin, to open you mind and soul to the possibilities of different futures and different time lines. You are now floating in the middle of the room. As you open your eyes, you will experience something that you have never experienced before. Welcome to Vault of Revelations.”

As Jack opened his eyes, he saw millions upon millions of books appearing all around him in the room. He looked below him to see everything that he ever did was beginning to decay into nothing but a black cloud of pure chaos.

He then, heard a voice, “Look at what you have done to the world you call your home. You are making it into hell on earth. Look at the innocent people that are still living and the ones you have killed. They are suffering because of you. Now Look at the son you were to have he is now no longer going to live in the same peaceful world. He will die after he is born. He will die because of you and your monstrous ways. Find the truth and is within your own heart. Find it and come to terms with it.”

Jack began to cry, he saw his pure salty tears begin to turn into dark red blood. The red tears fell onto a pure white flag. The flag began to burn. He felt the heat from the flame. He saw a vision of people burning and dying because of what he did. He saw them screaming for someone to put it out, but no one did a thing because the world was corrupted.

He then began to see everything that he would have accomplished disappear and turn into ashes. His breathe grew still. It was cold all around him He could feel the presence of something or someone in the room. Behind him, there he was his once future son. He looked at him and asked, “Who are supposed you?”

“I am, Jayson Leonardo O’Connell, your son. I was to be your greatest accomplishment in the world that was laced in blood and loss. I was to come and make it pure once again like you once did.  Now, thanks to your clouded mind from all of the lies from my great-great grandfather, James, I will no longer live. Find the truth that he keeps from you and destroy your firewall from the outside world and embrace it. You do know that self sacrifice and prayer is the only way to forgive all sins…”

His future son disappeared into the nothingness that was the future. Jack’s mind began to clear and he could feel the warmth of his heart grow and radiate outward into the world. Then, that feeling of someone being in the room came back to him.

 Another, unexpected, guest appeared behind him. This time it was his once future wife. Jack stared into her eyes and asked, “Now, who are you supposed to be?”

“I am, Martha Anne McClain, your future wife. We were to be married to each other just before your father passed on into the beyond of his own life. We were also to have the final O’Connell in your family, your son, the book keeper. Right now, I do not believe that you have all your marbles together because of your great grandfather, I know him as the evil named James has clouded your mind with lies. You have to understand that you were to save the world like Jesus did and cleanse the world of its sins, but this time launch a great era of peace. The dark mark can be cleared by purifying light…”

She disappeared into the frameworks of the unknown future. Jack’s mind became even clearer. The warmth in his heart began to grow even warmer. There was a spark lit within his heart. He felt the urgency to get the war over with once and for all. Once again, and for the final time, that same feeling came back.

The last, and final, guest was behind him. It was his father, “Hello, my son, I have been waiting for you for a very long time now. I wanted to see you here. I wanted you to learn more about yourself as a man and person. I welcome you, myself, to the Vault of Revelations. You have been in this room for exactly nineteen days. You have finally have seen the light that was within you all this time. You have a warm heart once again. I can see the spark in your eyes again. I can see that you want to get this whole thing over with…”

November 21, 2666

Jack walked out of the vault a changed person. He was the man he used to be. He looked at the McKay Family and asked, “Where is my father?”

“He is in his library. Why?” They asked.

“He was in there with me. He was the last person I saw in there. Do not let anyone touch that vault. It is a wondrous thing to behold. I will be having a meeting with my father very soon,” Jack told them before leaving.

He walked out of the monastery and jumped of the piece of earth, where he was. He jumped down to his father’s library, walked in, and said, “Father, the end is near. Meet me and my army at the place where the Omega Organization once stood. It is time to end this feud once and for all. You and I will decide the future of this world. The future this time will be guaranteed by the outcome of this battle. I will see you at the end of this year.”

Jack walked back out of the library and smiled for he finally knew something to be true for the first time in a long time.

November 30, 2666

Jason looked at his army and saw everything that they stood for was diminishing, but they were winning all they could. He knew that this final ultimatum would decide the outcome of the world. He looked at his brothers and said, “The day of judgment is coming soon, for this world will forever change after the last day of this year.”

Jason walked over to the edge and went back to where this had begun. He walked over to his laboratory and unlocked the vault behind his desk. Inside there was a book of poems and songs. He pulled it out and began to read it, “This day is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it…” A tear began to run down his face. The final hour of November came and he knew that it was finally…To Be Continued

-Jon McKay

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Chapter 9 | October 1, 2666

Jason then continued, “…Son, it is time for this building to come crashing down to the ground. I will save you only this once. Next time, it will be your life that I will be taking away from you. Become the light once again son. I miss the way you were when you had a smile on your face and the fire of life in your heart.”

Jason took his son out of the building, and then, he hit the button and triggered the charges. A huge and massive plume of fire and ash spewed up and into the air. Jason saw the building that held the most evil being in the world come crashing to the ground. A final pillar of black ash plumed from the destruction and all the evil that was the Omega Organization was gone.

Jason, looked by his side where his son was just moment before. He saw the footprints in the dirt, and Jack was gone from the scene. As he left, his son walked back up to where they stood next to each other and gazed upon the hill where one of the most highly secretive and evil organization once stood. As he smiled, he said to himself, “Way to go dad. You got me on the run.”

Jack walked away from the grounds where the Omega Organization once stood. He fell off the edge of the earth chunk. He jumped into the water and swam to a place that he only heard about from his father, Atlantis. As he hit the air pocket that surrounded the ancient wonder and city, he fell onto solid ground and could breathe. He stood up and caught his breath before walking to the massive temple in the distance. Upon arriving, he stumbled into a conversation…

“Why is this happening, John?” an unknown man’s voice asked Jack’s grandfather.

“Well, Eric, somehow the future that was to be got changed,” answered John.

“That Book of Destiny still lies within your son’s, Jason’s, confounded head. He still has the book in his possession. It is currently safe from the evil named James. He saved his three brothers using the abilities that were foretold in the book itself, and he is currently saving the world from the Omega Organization,” Eric told John.

Jack, finally got the courage, and poked his head up to say, “My father, Jason, just destroyed the Omega Order and Omega Organization. He and the Alpha Army destroyed the organization and it’s underground. He has yet to kill me and my great grandfather, James. I know that we can live forever, but your father, my father’s grandfather, and my great grandfather can no longer live forever. He is on his last and final life. Soon, the world will be set back in motion. Hello, grandfather, John.”

“Jack, what the hell are you here for? Only the three heads of the three families can be here. This is a very sacred place to be in.”

 “My father told me of this place once in a bedtime story when I was a little child. May I ask the following, who are the three families? What is the significance of each of the three families?” Jack asked wanting to know more about the Tri-Family.

“Well, the three families consist of the following families. The first family is our family, the O’Connell Family. We were the family that founded the new government after the first Great War. We are also the first family in the Tri-Family seal up in the temple. We are scientists and philosophers. The second family is the McKay Family. This family founded the archives that keep records of everyone in the world. They are historians and photographers. The final family is one that has not been around for a long time. The Family was the Duncan Family. This final family helped found the university and schools that your father went to. They were once the only teachers in the world,” John stopped for a pause, to catch his breath, “The significance of the three families was and is to keep balance in the world. Your great uncle Leonardo adopted the name Duncan to keep the family name alive because his best friend was a Duncan. The three families also kept possession of the most powerful artifact in the world safe, the primordial soup that started life itself. Our families also established the new world government after the Great Thirty Year War.”

Jack understood what was told to him about the Tri-Family. He then asked one last question, “How do we live forever?”

“Jack, there is something you need to understand. The O’Connell Family cannot live forever. The only one that can live forever was your great grandfather, until you destroyed all his double-angers. Before you ask another question, I knew that you destroyed all of them because it was written in the Book of Destinies and you implied it when you first spoke to me,” John, his grandfather, John, answered.

Jack was a bit surprised and he decided to walk up to massive temple. There he saw the great Tri-Family Seal. It was in the shape of a shield. It showed each of the family’s code of arms. It also showed the status of each family. Currently, none of the families were dead, so the entire shield was still completely lit up. It was a site to see for Jack. He thought it was very odd that it was placed away from the wall. He walked over pushed on the seal and it opened a secret door.

He walked into the passage. He walked down a long corridor.  At the end of the long corridor, there was a massive room. Inside, he saw something on a podium. He saw a small ornate looking book. It was a small book and it had the title, The Truth Lies Within, strange title for a small looking book.

Jack opened the small book and it read: This journal belongs to Jason James O’Connell. Within its pages contains secrets of the O’Connell Family and more. He saw what was written about the car crash. He also, read something about the time machine.

As he read more of the book, his eyes began to get wider. He began to realize something about his father. He figured out his father was not a liar. Then, the lie that was within his head began to unravel. He began to see the truth, but then in an instant the truth faded into the back of his mind. Then, it disappeared from his brain and his heart. He could not tell where the truth was. It was all because of the lie that was transplanted into his head by his great-grandfather, James. That little black lie was clouding the truth from staying within in the very own mind that he made. A small black tear fell from his eyes.

October 19, 2666

Jason looked at the world with an open heart, and he hoped that he would win the war. He looked over to his left side and saw his best friend and trusted person to keep all of his secrets. Evan asked him, “What in the world have you done?”

“I have, at the moment, permanently destroyed the one organization that could have destroyed the world itself by infecting it with its corrupted ways. If I did not destroy that evil organization would have destroyed every single one of us on this planet. Well, Evan Duncan, if I can use your real name once again, I guess I have some more things to do, before the end of this year comes along. I have to win this battle to win the war and get the world back on its feet again. Before I go, how is your older brother Mitch?” Jason asked.

“He is doing very well for himself. He married into the McKay family. Eric is not too excited about it though. Also, after this war is over, I hope to go back to New World University, where my family belongs. I want to teach again. This is the wake up call that I needed. Did your father know that I was not an O’Donnell, but a Duncan all along?” Evan asked.

“Well, I do not really know about that. It shall and always be our three families that will run this world. My father still thinks your family is dead, but I hid you from the world, so we did not have to worry about one of the families being completely dead. He is still around here in the world somewhere. In fact, I might know where he is. He might be in, never mind,” Jason stopped before saying it because Evan was not the head of his family. Jason said under his breath, “He might be in the one place that the enemy does not know about, Atlantis.”

“Tell your father that I am sorry from skipping out on the meeting. I am in fact the head of my family now…” Jason did not hear what Evan told him.

Jason walked over to the edge and jumped clear down into the water. He swam all the way down to Atlantis, the home of the three families. Jason hit the air pocket and landed on the ground which was once the place where his family got started. He looked up and saw his father. There was another person standing next to him. As he walked up to his father, he asked, “Hey, why the hell are you here and alive?”

“Son, how are you? I am down here trying to keep everything balanced. I brought down Mitch from the McKay family, just in case something happens to you and your brothers. Oh, one last thing. Why did you tell your son about this place, before it was his time to know about this place?” John asked Jason.

“Well, I am doing fine, but I do have one thing that is bothering me right now and that is the bloody war which is going on. I have to tell you one thing. You forgot his brother, Evan. He is…”

“…A Duncan. I know that already since his brother told me. He has missed a ton of meetings. Also, I knew that he was not an O’Donnell before his brother told me and when I hired him to run the SAFD for me.” John said when he interrupted Jason.

“I told my son bedtime stories about this place when he was a kid, he might have told you about it. Before you tell me that he is here, I know that the proper age in telling of the location of the meeting place of the Tri-Family is when the leader of the family dies, but I had to tell him because I felt something like this would happen. Did he see the book behind the seal?” Jason asked his father.

“He did indeed see the book. He read it from cover to cover. The book he read was everything about you and your wife. I did see the warmth come back into this soul, but just that quick it disappeared. Our greatest enemy, a family member, still has a grip on him. He no longer sees clearly anymore. His mind is clouded by a thick cloud of lies. I can tell you that I am happy to see you, future leader of the O’Connell Family…”

October 29, 2666

Ten days later, at an unknown location, Jack saw his grandfather. His emotional state was all over the place. He really did not know what to do. He walked over to the evil man said, “Fuck you, you fucking bastard. You feed me false truths and made me the way that I am right now. A fucking train wreck waiting to blow his brains out so that you can do this all over again. Go to hell you fucking damn bastard of a man.”

As James looked at his great grandson, he looked back. He tried to run away from him. Before you knew it, there was a gun in his face. Jackson looked into his grandfather’s eyes and did not see anything at all that was living within him that was still pure.

“Before I kill you grandfather,” Jack started, “Tell me why you made me this way.”

“I made you this way so that the master plan could go into effect. Your great pathetic father, my damn grandson, is going to kill you to save this god damn world and erase everything that happened during this year. It will be like it never even happened at all. Once again, I will be immortal. I will no longer die and feel the pain of this world like your father does. So kill me, it will not make a hell of difference, if you do.”

Jack pulled on the trigger and sent an electrode into the spin of James. He then looked down the spasm filled man and said, “Do not use the holy lord’s name that way. God forgive me for what I am about to say. Fuck you, old man. It is time to change the outcome of this world’s future and to destroy you in the process…” To Be Continued.

-Jon McKay
(O’Connell Family Historian & Official Tri-Family Member)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chapter 8 | September 7, 2666

After about the first week of September, Jason, his three brothers (Jonah, Jacob, and John Jr.), and the SAFD were re-establishing the greatest army in the world, Army Alpha (also known as Alpha Army). It was a very difficult process, but they were still getting the hang of leading a massive army in an epic war against the Omega Organization and its army. They knew that it was going to be a bloody battle, but well worth it if their plan was a success.

At about ten o’clock in the morning they started their meeting to discuss the plan of attack to try and draw most of Omega Army’s forces to them. They wanted to kill off most of the troops until making the final blow by killing his son, Jack, and their grandfather, James.

Jason looked at his brothers and began to shed a tear down his face at the thought of killing his one and only son. He looked away and did not want to say anything about what to transpire in the coming days, weeks, and months. But he had to when they said, “We know that this is not going to be easy for you to do.”

“How could you possibly know what to do brothers? You don’t even have any children of your own. I have one son. I can only have one son. You do not and will not get it. You have no idea what is in store for our family in the coming days, weeks, and months. My son is corrupted by blind ambitions and wanting power over all who breathe on this planet we call Earth. I saved this world, and now it is against me. I cannot tell the world what I did to save it. They will not believe in what I tell them because at the time our brother, still known to us as Jonah, told the world that I was this great conqueror trying to destroy this world, but I have put that in the past,” Jason ended and walked out of the room and into the unknown future.

His brothers stayed behind to talk amongst themselves. They could see the pain that was within his eyes and the heartache that was within his soul. They truly did not know how much this was going to hurt him. They knew when he was a child that he was not for doing the thing that the people in his life wanted him to do. He was different from the rest of children at his age. He was a rebel of sorts. He went against the grain and did not do anything according to plan.

Jason did everything by his own plan. The plan was to become a person that would change the world. Which came true, after all, he did save the world with his inventions. Well, there was one invention that no one knows about except himself. He created the Gravitation Generator. This was created or invented, five years before the world was to explode. It was created in secret and is hidden from the world. No one knows where it is including John Jr., Jonah, and Jacob, but Jason is the only person knows where it is.

Jason was in his room. He opened his dresser, he uncovered a hidden button, next he pushed the button, and he then walked over to his bed, and walked down a long stairway. It led to the very first invention that he invented. It was his Gravitation Generator. He touched the old steel and remembered when he invented it. It helped him create the Anti-Gravitation Cell for the modern vehicle. Yes, Jason O’Connell created the flying car.

He walked back up to his room. He closed the hidden stairwell underneath his bed. He walked out of the room and he was planning for something for his son. He smiled and knew what to do to help his son get back on the right path.

September 15, 2666

Ten days later after the meeting…Inside the Omega Organization, Jack was waiting for his father to make the first strike, yet he did not know when or where it was going to happen. As he walked over to the window, he saw all of the destruction that was caused by his blind ambitions to acquire power. He looked up to the sky and saw that it was the color red. He then closed his eyes and remembered back to the day that changed his own life, forever. The day of that fateful accident, the day that turned his attention to something else besides him and his father.

While in the memory, he saw his mother and father in the front of the car while he was sitting in the back seat. His father was in the passenger seat. His mother was the one that was driving the car. They were on their way to New York City for the holidays.

He looked at his mother and father. He saw them smiling at one another. Everything was all good, for the time being, until the accident occurred. The accident occurred about sixty miles from the city limits. There was some snow on the road. Then, at mile marker sixty the car swerved off the road and flipped on end. They rolled from about five hundred feet away from the marker.

Jack blacked out. He did not know the extent of his injuries. He could not feel any movement in his arms or legs. He then, in a kind of daze, he looked up and saw his father pick him up. His father carried him to his father’s lab at the abandoned Statue of Liberty.

Inside the statue’s base, he saw everything that his father did to him to save him. He saw his father amputate his legs. Then, he saw his new appendages being attached to his body. Next, he saw his father crack his skull and attach the electrodes to the epicenters where all the movements of each appendage were located. His father tested each nerve ending and each worked. The surgery was a complete success.

A few hours later, he looked when his father created the biomechanical brain that would be inside his father’s head for the rest of his life. Next, he saw his father go under the knife, when Evan cracked open his father’s skull and carefully take out his father’s brain. It took almost a full twelve hours to perform the surgery. He had to attach everything to the new brain.

He, then, saw Evan attach electrodes to the old brain and transfer all the memories and everything that was his father into the new brain. He then saw for a quick second the Book of Destiny within his father’s head. It was a very small looking book. It was beautifully handcrafted. He looked away, and some part of him told him not to tell that they had a fake replication of the book.

Then, in an instant he was transported back to the scene of the accident. There he finally learned the truth. He saw his mother walk up to the car, she had a phone in her hand, and she dialed a number and called his evil great grandfather, James. He could hear her say, “Damn it, it did not go according to plan. They are still alive. My mission was a complete failure. I am sorry, sir, but this good business that was to go down yesterday evening did not happen. The unexpected happened he survived. What should we do now?”

“Nothing, my pet, we are going to do nothing at all. We will let the timeline unfold as it will at this present moment in time…”

“…We cannot allow this. The world works in mysterious ways. There is nothing we can do. Damn it..!”

“I know my dear pet. I say, ““Fuck the world and its ways,”” James, Jack’s great grandfather told his mother. James hung up the phone and looked at the bookshelf behind his desk. There were tons of books on its shelves. He was only looking for one. He found the book on the top shelf. He found a book of mythical and spiritual items. He turned to the table of contents. He looked under the heading destiny. He then, found an amazing article of the Book of Destiny.

The Article read as follows:

The Book of Destiny was found by an old wise man in an old monk monastery’s library while on a mission trip. The location is unknown. He took the book and ran away with it to what today we call America (AKA: The United States of America). There he used it to shape the newly budding country into what it is today.

Then one day, in the early twenty-first century it was lost and the country experienced a time of great suffering. It was found again, but the damage was too great to help the nation get back on its feet.

The book was then, taken back to the monastery’s library by a mysterious person. This man did not use the Book of Destinies to change the outcome of the world because he believed it never possessed the power to change any one man’s destiny if you wrote in it. He also believed that the book was just a fairy tale told to children so they can believe in something bigger.

It was never moved from the monastery until the end of the twenty-sixth century. It was the year 2590. It was taken by a greedy person. This person took it for power and to control the world and its struggling nations. This man was never caught, but he was killed the day before a great war began. The book was lost forever.

But, there was another barer of the book. This man found it in the last man’s old library. This was the last and final time it was seen in someone’s hands was seen. This man used it to see into the future to see what his son’s destinies were to be. This man’s name is Jonathon James O’Connell. The book is still lost and nowhere to be found. It is said that he hid it from the world so it could not find it. Where is the book now? No one will know.

As Jack came back to reality, behind him was his father, Jason. He looked at his father. His father looked at him. The two of them did not talk to one another for a good twenty minutes. When the twenty minutes was up, Jack walked over to his desk and sat down in the chair. His father then looked down at his son like he was mad at what he was doing to the world. Jack looked up like a little boy and wondered why his father was there.

His father then said, “Do you now understand why I saved you? I did not want you die, so I saved you from what your mother tried to do to you and me.”

“Why the hell are you here? I thought you were getting your army ready to destroy me and this organization. I cannot believe what I saw in that big fucking faked fabricated flashback of yours. I fucking hate you, nothing of that flashback was real and you fucking damn well known that to be a fucking damn fact!” Jack said in anger. He stood up and out of his chair to make the agreement a bit more even.

“Well, then son, I guess you will never learn how much I cared and loved you after the accident. That fabricated flashback was the fucking truth. It was one hundred percent true, because after that day I also had the same flashback on this day for the past four years. It makes me cry when I see my little boy act like an ass because of what his damn great grandfather did to him. Your fucking great grandfather brain washed you into believing anything and everything he believes in,” Jason said to his son.

“Fuck you, your brother’s, your father, and everyone who ever believed in anything you said. You are a damn liar and fool to con me into what you believe in. Get out of my god damn sight. I hate you and the person you call god is not real!” he shouted.

“Take those words back son. You will be going to hell one day for what you have done and said in the lord’s holy name. I cannot believe that you do not see what I see. I see everyone as a part in his great celestial being,” Jason told his son before leaving.

After his father left his office, Jack looked out the window one last time for the day. A glimpse of the coming days began to creep into his head. He looked at the sky and it was still as red as ever. Then, it went completely black. He saw his father outside the building. He saw the Atmospheric Regenerator fall out of the sky.

As it landed on the ground, it burst into flames. He saw his father disappear. Then, he saw the black hole, where he would have one day sacrificed himself for the planet to save it. Jack then, looked at a weird future where he had a son of his own, who would have one day become a bookkeeper of sorts. Then, in an instant Jack awoke from the little day dream and did not know what to think of it.

September 30, 2666

On the last day of the month, a day that would forever be named the day of black sun, the day it all began, the war between father and son. It was between Jason and his army of the enlightened trying to cleanse the world of its sins. As well as, his son’s army of misguided sinners trying to take control of the world and making it into something that was no longer pure and innocent. At both ends of the spectrum, each wanted a different future. Each wanted to kill the other to make the world a better place for each other's self being. The both of them just wanted revenge for what the other did to the other.

At the SAFD’s headquarters, Jason felt a tear go down his face. He looked over to his brothers and said, “I cannot go through with this. He is my one and only son. I cannot go through with this. He is my son. You do not fucking get it do you bother’s? He is my damn son, and I cannot go through with what I have to do. I have to kill my son for the better of this planet.”

Jake walked over to Jason and said, “Everything now-a-days will be difficult for every single person in this room. We will kill our old friends from the good old days where there was a war raging on. We will also the family members that followed our grandfather blindly. We know how it feels brother and we do not want to do it either.”

Then his second older brother, Jonah, came over and said, “When you told me of my daughter and that she was dead. I was very angry with our grandfather did to her, but after that a memory started to come through the cracks. It was in the future that once was. I killed her, and I loved her with all my heart. On her tomb stone it read, ““Here lies my girl, I will always love you.”” It was too much for me, but I knew that I could change that future after this war is said and done. The future is set in stone, but it does not have to be that way.”

Finally, John Jr. came over and said. “Brother, I saw the future in which you saved me. I promise, if I go back to the way I was in that other timeline. I will try not to become the monster that I became because of our grandfather. I will fight it because I know that I am not alone in the world.”

The Day of Black Sun Begins:

Jason looked at his four brothers and began to smile His old laugh began to come out and back into the open. He then wiped the tears from his face.  

Jason stood above the crowd of millions that made up the brand new Army Alpha. He looked at each one of them and shouted, “This is our time! This war will now start to come to an end. It is time for the “great” Omega Army to fall to us. We will start at their heart, their headquarters in New York City. We will then move out to destroy its extremities that have latched themselves throughout the world. We will destroy the Omega Organization where the Omega Army gets its supplies. We will not destroy its leaders, my son and the evil named James. They will be destroyed by be and only me,” Jason took a moment to pause, “We shall forever change the face of history. We will put this world back on the timeline that it is supposed to be on. It is time for a great Armageddon to come and destroy the enemy. This world will see a time of great peace after this war is over. A great time of enlightenment will cast a blanket of light across the world.”

He turned around and looked at his brother’s and said, “I am not alone in this fight. I will now and forever know that I am not alone in this world, even when I am feeling alone and isolated from the world. I know that I will always be in the presence of three great brothers and friends, as well as, our father in heaven and on earth.”

He then looked out and over the crowd. His brothers were smiling behind him. He saw everyone cheering. He then said, “IT ALL ENDS NOW! Get ready we will be jumping soon.”

The crowd cheered and Jason gave the okay to jump off of the edge of the chunk earth, where they were, to get to the Omega Organization. As the Alpha Army arrived, they turned on their cloaking devices and sneaked into the building and into Destination Hell.

They killed all the members of the high council. Then, they killed everyone that was inside the meeting room. The part of the army that went into the building looked in every room and setup a charge in each room and they rescued the people that the Omega Organization captured. Alpha Army went out of the building.

Amongst all the happenings going on, James fled from the scene and quickly as possible so he could not be killed. He looked around him and did not feel a thing for all the people that were being killed around him. He was running for himself and not the world that did not want to be controlled by an evil man like him. He did not know that his grandson had his eyes on him…

In the headquarters of the Omega Organization, Jason walked up to his son’s office and said to him, “I know that this day had to come. I will see you again in December for the climax of our father son relationship and the world’s future…” To Be Continued.

-Jon McKay
(O’Connell Family Historian)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chapter 7 | August 1, 2666

As the wind blew and the smoke cleared, Jason stood atop a huge unknown empire of secret codes and lies. He was standing in a place that was not familiar to him or his brothers. He looked around and saw everything that his father hid from them. He saw all of the people that protected them, who were hidden in plain sight. He was in the headquarters of the SAFD. He walked over to the window next to his best friend, Evan, the current head of this organization.

Evan looked at Jason and did not want to say a thing. He did not want to tell Jason why he kept this secret from. Why he did not trust him about this secret world beyond the one in New York City, as well as, the Omega Organization. It was, too, complicated and it never really made sense to anyone who heard about this organization. Evan walked away and still did not say a word to his best friend in the world.

Jason did not care about all of the mystery, but he wanted to know what this society was all about. Jason walked all over the place to find Evan. He found him in the main meeting room just below the command center.

In the meeting room, Jason asked Evan, “What is this agency all about?”

“This agency was established to protect and uphold the values of John James O’Connell from the evil that is named James, as well as, the people who threaten his sons. It was also built upon the values of family and honor above all else. He was after all a family man. This place was built when you and your brothers were born. This building was constructed on the day of the last son’s birth. It took only four years to build and construct, and I thank you for helping establish this agency for me to work in as the head of the Secret Agency of Family Defense,” Evan answered.

“Who else, besides you, my friend, works for this agency?” asked Jason.

Evan answered, “Well, my brother, Mitch, and the McKay Family. There are others, but I cannot tell who they all are or you are going to have a huge headache.”

“You are not telling me everything that you know. You are hiding something from me, a secret that no one else in this place knows about…”

“…I know, my friend, I still have to keep some secrets I have from you. I can tell you this, Jason, when it is time, I will tell you the secret that I hold to you and only you.”

August 13, 2666

Jason was walking down the halls of the SAFD, when he stumbled upon the records room. He walked inside and saw every record of their lives on hand. There was one section that did not have any file or book. Jason saw that this section was the Destiny Section of their lives. There was a label on top of the self that read their names and the word Destiny. It read, “Here is the one thing that could destroy our whole operation the Book of Destiny.”

Jason ran out of the room and went to see Evan. He went to Evan’s office and shouted, “Why does the Omega Council have the Book of Destiny?”

“Jason, you are a bit emotional right now. They do not have the book. We still have it. It is under lock and key since the day we recovered it from there headquarters. They cannot penetrate our facilities. It is hidden well enough that they will never find it. We have the top security team in the world at our disposal. Before you ask, they have a book that was made out to be the Book of Destiny, but it is a complete fake. This fake book is nothing but the tales of the Brothers Grimm.”

Jason looked at Evan with an unconvinced face. So, Evan took Jason to the vault where the book was stored. They walked down many flights of stairs to the bottom floor of the SAFD’s headquarters. They found themselves in the oldest place of the facility. Jason looked around the room where they were. He saw no vault whatsoever. There was no sign of any huge door that was keeping something locked away.

He did not understand why this so called vault was all the way down here. They stopped at a huge doorway. Evan stopped Jason and said, “No one else has ever been down here but me and your father. I believe you are ready for this. This is the secret I have been keeping from you. The book is within that doorway. Inside is a room familiar to you and only you.”

Jason walked inside of the room. It looked familiar to Jason. It seemed to him like he was finally home. He was right after all. He was in his old room. Inside, there were many memories and secrets. Evan came in and finally told Jason, “You know that your father was always watching you. Do you know why?”

“I do not know why my father was watching me this close, Evan,” Jason answered, “So, my friend, do not skate around the details.”

“Well, your father watched you this close because you were the book all along. That book that the Omega Organization has is just a regular old book about fairy tales. Your father hid the book inside of you. On the day when I put that brain inside of you, I left the book inside. I did not want anyone else to steal it and your father told me to keep it in. This is the origin of your special ability to hear everyone’s thoughts. This world of ours is no longer safe for you or your brothers. They died once and now that they have returned, this world will be destroyed if we do not act now.”

Jason and Evan walked out of the room. The both of them did not look at each other until they were with the others. Jason kept the information that he learned to himself. His thoughts of his father changed for the better and he smiled for the time in a long time in the presence of his brother and friends.

Jason stepped out and away from the others. He walked back down to his old room. He looked at the dust of past. He saw everything that was once his and his father’s. He remembered to the night that he got the news that his father was dead. He cried for many days and felt like crap. He felt like he could not do a thing to save his father.

He then, sat in his old chair. He remembered were the books were and began to read the one book that never got old. He read, The Tragedy of Roses, A book that remembered at time that there were flowers. He read that book for science class and he created the new rose. He brought back the flower.

As the day turned to night, Jason was happy to be among his friends and family. He smiled and he knew that darkness would soon be shattered by purifying light.

August 23, 2666

Jason knowing where the Book of Destiny was, he began to figure out a plan to destroy the Omega Organization. He also wanted to end this great and epic war. He looked at all of the options, but the only one that made sense was to kill his grandfather then his own son.

Jason knew that his world would be forever changed after this event. He knew that what came after the light was something that does not occur that often anymore. He no longer believes in anything that a sane person would believe in. He believes in taking a risk to get a major result from it. He wants to destroy an evil organization and rebuild the world to make it a better place for it to live.

He understands his limits. He understands the severity of his forthcoming actions will ultimately alter the way the world looks at him. He knows that what happens next will destroy the image his father did not want his son to be associated with. He will forever change his own genetic make-up to help alter and change the world for the better, just as a prophet once told his fellow brothers that they world someday change the world for the better of the planet.

That person was, the very one of the first O’Connell Brothers. His name, as you know, was Jonas Archer O’Connell. This man built the Omega Council to help the world, not to destroy it. His own council of brothers overturned him and built a higher court to show that they had more power over the weak old council.

Their council was corrupt and evil. Their council only survived because of fear. The fear of the unknown, the unseen future, and how much force it would take to destroy one man that made them an enemy of the world. They thought that they were better, but they were not. They were corrupted like the old councils that were before them. They made a mess of a once pure council. The destroyed the values they were sworn to protect.

It is funny to look at from an outside perspective, but once you dive into the controversy it just gets bigger. You wonder why Jason did not join the Omega Organization. That question can be only answered by Jason, himself.

“I did not want to become corrupted like my grandfather and the people that followed him. There is nothing I regret more than my son believing in whatever my grandfather told him about the day of the accident. Brothers, I have no regrets moving forward. I love you all and I will protect this place from that evil man.”

His friend Evan knew real truth about happened to his best friend. He knows what James did to corrupt and destroy what was in his friend’s heart. The world knew too of what Jason did, but he was forgiven when he founded his corporation. At the old capitol of the United States, was a plaque graced with all one million people he killed. Jason himself built the memorial. It was like the one of September 11th, 2001. Every year Jason goes back to the memorial and cries for what he did…

August 31, 2666

On the final day of the month Jason was ready to fight back and for his life. He went to his brothers and talked it over with them. Evan called all personnel to the main hanger. There was to be a speech and a battle cry to begin what had to begin the ending of the war.

Jason walked up to the main part of the building. He went to the control center of the SAFD. He looked at everyone that was in the room he told them I was time to assemble the troops and begin what would ultimately end the war for good.

He went with brother to the hanger. He looked at everyone that was standing in the hanger and shouted, “I never knew my father like you guys did, but I did know one thing about him. He was a great man that created a network of people that were to protect his own family. He knew that the threat was that of the Omega Organization. He knew, as well as, I know that the Omega Organization is corrupt. It was once a place of unknown possibilities when it was still pure and innocent. I never wanted to join it because of my father. He knew that I was too pure to enter such a controversial place. As I stand before you now, that organization is taking over the world. It is destroying everything you know and love.  You might say that it is the end of the world as we know it. I learned when I was shot at a young age and again when I am the age I currently am now that I could not trust anyone. But as I am in this place with you, I know I am safe from harm. It is something that I did not take lightly. So, as of right now, you, my brothers, and I are all that is left of the purity of the world. I now call to order Alpha Army, 2.0…”

“…One final thing, brother, what is your plan?”

“Why are you standing around for? Are you coming? Are you ready? Will you fight? I know that I am. Are you to fight alongside me and my fellow brothers in arms?”…To Be Continued.

-Jon McKay
(O’Connell Family Historian)