Saturday, September 1, 2012

Chapter 9 | October 1, 2666

Jason then continued, “…Son, it is time for this building to come crashing down to the ground. I will save you only this once. Next time, it will be your life that I will be taking away from you. Become the light once again son. I miss the way you were when you had a smile on your face and the fire of life in your heart.”

Jason took his son out of the building, and then, he hit the button and triggered the charges. A huge and massive plume of fire and ash spewed up and into the air. Jason saw the building that held the most evil being in the world come crashing to the ground. A final pillar of black ash plumed from the destruction and all the evil that was the Omega Organization was gone.

Jason, looked by his side where his son was just moment before. He saw the footprints in the dirt, and Jack was gone from the scene. As he left, his son walked back up to where they stood next to each other and gazed upon the hill where one of the most highly secretive and evil organization once stood. As he smiled, he said to himself, “Way to go dad. You got me on the run.”

Jack walked away from the grounds where the Omega Organization once stood. He fell off the edge of the earth chunk. He jumped into the water and swam to a place that he only heard about from his father, Atlantis. As he hit the air pocket that surrounded the ancient wonder and city, he fell onto solid ground and could breathe. He stood up and caught his breath before walking to the massive temple in the distance. Upon arriving, he stumbled into a conversation…

“Why is this happening, John?” an unknown man’s voice asked Jack’s grandfather.

“Well, Eric, somehow the future that was to be got changed,” answered John.

“That Book of Destiny still lies within your son’s, Jason’s, confounded head. He still has the book in his possession. It is currently safe from the evil named James. He saved his three brothers using the abilities that were foretold in the book itself, and he is currently saving the world from the Omega Organization,” Eric told John.

Jack, finally got the courage, and poked his head up to say, “My father, Jason, just destroyed the Omega Order and Omega Organization. He and the Alpha Army destroyed the organization and it’s underground. He has yet to kill me and my great grandfather, James. I know that we can live forever, but your father, my father’s grandfather, and my great grandfather can no longer live forever. He is on his last and final life. Soon, the world will be set back in motion. Hello, grandfather, John.”

“Jack, what the hell are you here for? Only the three heads of the three families can be here. This is a very sacred place to be in.”

 “My father told me of this place once in a bedtime story when I was a little child. May I ask the following, who are the three families? What is the significance of each of the three families?” Jack asked wanting to know more about the Tri-Family.

“Well, the three families consist of the following families. The first family is our family, the O’Connell Family. We were the family that founded the new government after the first Great War. We are also the first family in the Tri-Family seal up in the temple. We are scientists and philosophers. The second family is the McKay Family. This family founded the archives that keep records of everyone in the world. They are historians and photographers. The final family is one that has not been around for a long time. The Family was the Duncan Family. This final family helped found the university and schools that your father went to. They were once the only teachers in the world,” John stopped for a pause, to catch his breath, “The significance of the three families was and is to keep balance in the world. Your great uncle Leonardo adopted the name Duncan to keep the family name alive because his best friend was a Duncan. The three families also kept possession of the most powerful artifact in the world safe, the primordial soup that started life itself. Our families also established the new world government after the Great Thirty Year War.”

Jack understood what was told to him about the Tri-Family. He then asked one last question, “How do we live forever?”

“Jack, there is something you need to understand. The O’Connell Family cannot live forever. The only one that can live forever was your great grandfather, until you destroyed all his double-angers. Before you ask another question, I knew that you destroyed all of them because it was written in the Book of Destinies and you implied it when you first spoke to me,” John, his grandfather, John, answered.

Jack was a bit surprised and he decided to walk up to massive temple. There he saw the great Tri-Family Seal. It was in the shape of a shield. It showed each of the family’s code of arms. It also showed the status of each family. Currently, none of the families were dead, so the entire shield was still completely lit up. It was a site to see for Jack. He thought it was very odd that it was placed away from the wall. He walked over pushed on the seal and it opened a secret door.

He walked into the passage. He walked down a long corridor.  At the end of the long corridor, there was a massive room. Inside, he saw something on a podium. He saw a small ornate looking book. It was a small book and it had the title, The Truth Lies Within, strange title for a small looking book.

Jack opened the small book and it read: This journal belongs to Jason James O’Connell. Within its pages contains secrets of the O’Connell Family and more. He saw what was written about the car crash. He also, read something about the time machine.

As he read more of the book, his eyes began to get wider. He began to realize something about his father. He figured out his father was not a liar. Then, the lie that was within his head began to unravel. He began to see the truth, but then in an instant the truth faded into the back of his mind. Then, it disappeared from his brain and his heart. He could not tell where the truth was. It was all because of the lie that was transplanted into his head by his great-grandfather, James. That little black lie was clouding the truth from staying within in the very own mind that he made. A small black tear fell from his eyes.

October 19, 2666

Jason looked at the world with an open heart, and he hoped that he would win the war. He looked over to his left side and saw his best friend and trusted person to keep all of his secrets. Evan asked him, “What in the world have you done?”

“I have, at the moment, permanently destroyed the one organization that could have destroyed the world itself by infecting it with its corrupted ways. If I did not destroy that evil organization would have destroyed every single one of us on this planet. Well, Evan Duncan, if I can use your real name once again, I guess I have some more things to do, before the end of this year comes along. I have to win this battle to win the war and get the world back on its feet again. Before I go, how is your older brother Mitch?” Jason asked.

“He is doing very well for himself. He married into the McKay family. Eric is not too excited about it though. Also, after this war is over, I hope to go back to New World University, where my family belongs. I want to teach again. This is the wake up call that I needed. Did your father know that I was not an O’Donnell, but a Duncan all along?” Evan asked.

“Well, I do not really know about that. It shall and always be our three families that will run this world. My father still thinks your family is dead, but I hid you from the world, so we did not have to worry about one of the families being completely dead. He is still around here in the world somewhere. In fact, I might know where he is. He might be in, never mind,” Jason stopped before saying it because Evan was not the head of his family. Jason said under his breath, “He might be in the one place that the enemy does not know about, Atlantis.”

“Tell your father that I am sorry from skipping out on the meeting. I am in fact the head of my family now…” Jason did not hear what Evan told him.

Jason walked over to the edge and jumped clear down into the water. He swam all the way down to Atlantis, the home of the three families. Jason hit the air pocket and landed on the ground which was once the place where his family got started. He looked up and saw his father. There was another person standing next to him. As he walked up to his father, he asked, “Hey, why the hell are you here and alive?”

“Son, how are you? I am down here trying to keep everything balanced. I brought down Mitch from the McKay family, just in case something happens to you and your brothers. Oh, one last thing. Why did you tell your son about this place, before it was his time to know about this place?” John asked Jason.

“Well, I am doing fine, but I do have one thing that is bothering me right now and that is the bloody war which is going on. I have to tell you one thing. You forgot his brother, Evan. He is…”

“…A Duncan. I know that already since his brother told me. He has missed a ton of meetings. Also, I knew that he was not an O’Donnell before his brother told me and when I hired him to run the SAFD for me.” John said when he interrupted Jason.

“I told my son bedtime stories about this place when he was a kid, he might have told you about it. Before you tell me that he is here, I know that the proper age in telling of the location of the meeting place of the Tri-Family is when the leader of the family dies, but I had to tell him because I felt something like this would happen. Did he see the book behind the seal?” Jason asked his father.

“He did indeed see the book. He read it from cover to cover. The book he read was everything about you and your wife. I did see the warmth come back into this soul, but just that quick it disappeared. Our greatest enemy, a family member, still has a grip on him. He no longer sees clearly anymore. His mind is clouded by a thick cloud of lies. I can tell you that I am happy to see you, future leader of the O’Connell Family…”

October 29, 2666

Ten days later, at an unknown location, Jack saw his grandfather. His emotional state was all over the place. He really did not know what to do. He walked over to the evil man said, “Fuck you, you fucking bastard. You feed me false truths and made me the way that I am right now. A fucking train wreck waiting to blow his brains out so that you can do this all over again. Go to hell you fucking damn bastard of a man.”

As James looked at his great grandson, he looked back. He tried to run away from him. Before you knew it, there was a gun in his face. Jackson looked into his grandfather’s eyes and did not see anything at all that was living within him that was still pure.

“Before I kill you grandfather,” Jack started, “Tell me why you made me this way.”

“I made you this way so that the master plan could go into effect. Your great pathetic father, my damn grandson, is going to kill you to save this god damn world and erase everything that happened during this year. It will be like it never even happened at all. Once again, I will be immortal. I will no longer die and feel the pain of this world like your father does. So kill me, it will not make a hell of difference, if you do.”

Jack pulled on the trigger and sent an electrode into the spin of James. He then looked down the spasm filled man and said, “Do not use the holy lord’s name that way. God forgive me for what I am about to say. Fuck you, old man. It is time to change the outcome of this world’s future and to destroy you in the process…” To Be Continued.

-Jon McKay
(O’Connell Family Historian & Official Tri-Family Member)

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