Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chapter 12 | December 11, 2666 (Continued)

He looked at his father and continued with, “As if I had choice in killing my son…I am going to have to. I want this war to end. It has to end.”Jason’s father disappeared. He walked away and knew that he could not change what was about to happen. He decided to kill his one and only son. The tears began to come out and he could not stop them. The raw emotion of killing his son just overtook him. He calmed his mind and walked.

He walked back on the battlefield and shouted, “SON! I will put an end to this fucking war. When I kill you on the final day of this year a great era a peace shall begin. I do not like the thought of you being killed by my hands, but it must be my hands. I will love you, my greatest accomplishment to this world, forever and always.”

Jack heard his father’s voice over the crowd. The tears began to come out and he knew that his end was coming ever so close. He could feel the bullet penetrate his skin. He could feel it tearing through the muscle and the bone. He could feel the pain and suffering of the world lifted off of his shoulders. He could finally see clearly again.

He went to the place where the lies began. He walked over to the crash site and felt everything. He saw all the lies slip back in, but he pushed them away. He pushed them out and did not allow them to come back in. Then behind him was a person that feed him those lies. There she was his mother, a liar and fraud.

He looked at her and finally said what he had to say, “Fuck you, you bitch. You did all of this to me and my father. You destroyed our family. You will die for what you have done to me and this world. Fuck you for what you had plotted with my great grandfather, James. You were going to kill me, an innocent little kid, for what, being the future of this family and the purifying light that would put an end to all the suffering that happened to the world because of him. Damn you, mother.”

He paused for a second, “You did not even care about me, your son. I will not miss you after this day. I will not miss you because you are an asshole and a partner of a raging psychopath. Good-bye mother, this is just good fucking damn good business for the world.”

Jack shot her and felt the pain that his father would feel when he would shot him. The tears fell, but this time they were clearer than ever before. His eyes were red from the salty tears. He could no longer feel anything for his mother. He took her away from the road. He put here on a makeshift raft and sent her to the depths of the water below.

His father felt what his son was feeling. He did love her still, but that love was bitter as a leachy nut. He could no longer give up on the fight. He had to get it over with once and for all, but there were still a few more days of fighting that would occur before that fateful day.

Jason fell to the ground and closed his eyes. He began to fall asleep. He did not want to say word to anyone around him. He fell asleep and the day ended in happiness and in sadness.

December 15, 2666

Sixteen days till the bitter sweet end… The war was still raging onward. Millions upon millions of men, women, and even the purist and innocent of people, children, where killed. The world turned red. The water within the world was red from all of the blood running down from all the pieces of the world’s own crust. A faint fragrance of decaying bodies filled the air. The world was not as it once was.

The world, itself, was bleeding out. Nothing could stop it, except for what was about to happen in the coming days. A father and son struggle would finally come to an end. Each one’s journeys would finally end. The outcome would be a bond, stronger than a mighty dam. Nothing would or could not break it.

The months and weeks that drove them apart would bring them together. They would see eye to eye for the first time in a long while. The two of them would be as equals. They would not hesitate. They would not take anything for granted after this moment in time.

The song great and powerful song Amazing Grace echoed throughout the land. A silent undertone of, THIS IS THE DAY, followed suit. Jason could feel and hear the song. He then uttered one final word, “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know that he is watching me…”

…Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see…

…This is the day, this is the day. That the lord has made, that the lord has made. Let us rejoice, let us rejoice, and be glad in it, and be glad in it…

December 21, 2666

Ten days till the final confrontation…Jason walked the battlefield and saw everything that was once standing. He saw the churches, town halls, movie theaters, and train stations all turned into rubble. He walked up to the monastery where the McKay archives were. He saw all of them dead.

He looked at the Tri-Family seal and he only saw the O’Connell Family part of the seal still lit up. He shed his tear for the families that were once in the world. His final act at the monastery was to burn it to the ground, but he did not when he saw the Unchanging Chamber. It was locked and inside the chamber were the double gangers that he wanted to be in there.

As Jason walked out of the library, Eric McKay said, “Your son brought your grandfather here and put him in there with all of the double gangers. He walked into the vault and was purified once again. So, when you kill him forgive him…”

Eric then died. Jason prayed for him and walked away. Underneath the tears, was a smile for what Eric told him was true. His son was pure once again. Jason looked at the monastery and smiled. He looked around him and saw the dawning of a new day in his life, as well as, in his son’s life.

Jack looked up where the sun once could be seen in the sky and said, “This is the day, this is the day, which the lord has made, which the lord has made…”

“…Let me rejoice, let me rejoice, and be glad in it, and be glad in it,” Jason said.

Together they sang, “For this is the day, this is day that the lord has made.”

For the very first time, the both of them were closer to god than ever before. They felt his presence and knew that this was going to be fine. They looked up and fell asleep and they knew that the final day of the war was nearer than ever before.

December 31, 2666

On the day of the final battle, Jason and Jack looked at the sky to see what their final day was going to be like. All the other battles were over except for the one between Jason and his son. The two of them knew that everything was going to be different from then on out.

The two of them walked to the edge of their planet chunks and jumped to the final battlefield. Both led what was left of their armies into battle. The two armies were at the ready, both father and son said in unison, “Charge!”

Both armies ran at each other and in the middle a great blast of energy surged outward. Blood was everywhere. No one man, woman, or child was safe in all the fighting. It was too ugly to describe from both sides of the battle. There was blood and unattached body parts everywhere in sight.

In the end, Jason said good-bye to his older twin brothers and his father. The final tear came and he said, “Son, this is between you and me, no one else shall lose their life because of me and you. This war and conflict between you and me has to end here and now!”

Jack said to himself, “Let us finally get this over with.” He looked over to see where his father was. He could not see him. His father was doing the same thing and could not find his son. They could not find each others’ eyes. When they did they knew that they wanted to get this over with before it was too late.

The two of them charged at each other. Their pasts began to flash before their own eyes. The memories or each other and their family began to fade into the past. Their conflict between themselves began to hit its epic conclusion.

The end was coming ever so nearer. The final nail in the coffin was about to come. They fought and fought to the last bitter sweet moment for the both of them. There was blood all over the place. In the distance they could hear the final chime of the last hour of the day beginning to pass by.

In that last hour of the final day of the final month of the day, they looked in each other’s eyes. They were standing as equals. They were once again father and son. They were no longer enemies, but they were equals. They did not look back at the past. There was nothing to be said about it.

They looked toward the future. The both of them wanted the world to be a better and safer place to live in. Then, it came to pass, the final few minutes passed. It was time to end it for good. The end was here. It was time to say good-bye to one another and hope that the outcome on the other side was the right one…

Jack said to his father, “I never wanted this to happen to the world. It has come to this moment. You and I knew that this damn fucking moment had to come to pass. I will never look back again. I have seen the truth and I am finally ready to weep what I have sown. It is the bitter sweet end of my life. I will miss you father.”

Jason looked at his son one final time and said, “I forgive you! I forgive you, my son. I will see you on the other side…”

Jason then heard the final minute begin to pass by. He began to pull the trigger. He felt the bullet be released from the chamber. He saw the bullet fly as the final seconds began to wind down. As the fired bullet flew through the air, Jackson began to see where it was going to enter his body.

As that bullet that would forever change the timeline that they were on was traveling in air, the past began to fade away. The future began to get even brighter and a glimpse of a great era of peace began to flood the mind of Jason and his son.

As final second passed, the bullet penetrated the body of his son he saw that day that changed his life forever, as well as, son’s life. Jason began to see the car go backwards and the strain of that horrible memory disappear from his mind. A final faint tear fell to the ground.

As it hit the ground, Jason cleared his mind. He looked up at the sky. As the light passed over him, he finally could say what he wanted to say, “I am at peace…”

The light passed over the world and enveloped it with the hopes of an even better future began to pass over the world. The tear that fell came back up and disappeared. The conflict that occurred during the last half of the year began to disappear. The bullets that penetrated everyone disappeared and the damage could no longer be seen. The white door stained with blood disappeared.

The Omega Building was standing once again, but not for long. The world was about to forget one of the biggest years in its history. There was nothing to see, but a great future lay ahead of them. The world was back at a place that was a much better place to launch a better tomorrow and allowing the future generations to live in peace and harmony. This was the greatest test and accomplishments in the history of mankind and even the world.

Beyond The Light:

At the new beginning of the same month before the now unknown year of 2666, Jason, Jack, Jason’s three brothers, and their father smiled at one another, found the evil names James. They looked into his eyes and did not feel a thing for him. He tried to get away, but he could not. He begged for forgiveness and was not given the chance.

James looked at them and closed his eyes. Jason took the revolver from his father and fired the final shot that would finally kill the person that destroyed the family. The evil named James was, finally, gone from the world. He could no longer come back into the world. He was finally removed from the world and was in the place he was supposed to be in.

They walked to the warehouse, just in case, and saw nothing moving at all. They then jumped to the monastery and opened the Unchanging Chamber and saw the dead double gangers were still there. James was finally gone from the world.

Jason at the end of all of this finally felt his feeling of being alone was gone. He was with his family once again. He was happy… They were all happy…

…All was well in the world…The End of The First Year…

-Jon McKay
(Lead O’Connell Historian)

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