Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 11 | December 1, 2666

It was, finally, the last month of the year, which rocked Jason’s life. This meant that one of the greatest wars, that the world has ever seen, was about to end. After the war was said and done a great era of enlightenment would begin. If you wanted to know the war would end in thirty days, to be exact. This war broke apart a family bond and relationship.

The only way to mend it is to kill one or the other. They both knew that the final day of the year was to be the one day that would decide the fate of an entire world. The father understood what he had to do to save the world. The son also knew what he had to do to help save the world, but let his father take the credit, to clear his name from the wrong doings that he did not commit on the world.

Both father and son, Jason and Jack, knew that everything they knew about the world was about to change forever. Their world that then once knew would be wiped clean by a vale of purifying light.

They both understood what the outcome was going to do for the world. It was going to give it a second chance to do things right. It was not saving it, but it was going to illuminate it from what it was doing to itself. Jason and Jack knew there was work to be done after the great light enveloped the world.

The two of them, father and son, wanted something better for the world after the great deed of self sacrifice occurred. It was going to be a day that would live in their minds, like the day that changed their lives did, but, this time, they world remember it as the day that the world was saved by purifying light.

Jason looked up at the stars, and thought to himself that what he helped the world achieve in the end was to achieve a state of peace and understanding. He understood the final days that lay ahead of him were leading up to the final battle were going to be too strenuous to handle. These final twenty-nine days would be too brutal to handle for he knew everyone. It would also unlock the potential of healing and the understanding of why this all had to happen.

At the same time, his son, Jack, stared straight up at the stars and he thought to himself, my life was full of wrong doings. I have no one but myself to blame. As that thought crossed his mind, he saw his great Uncle Leonardo Luke O’Connell fall to the ground from a gunshot, he was dead in an instant.

Jack looked away from his great uncle’s lifeless body. He thought about how his uncle died an innocent man who was pulled into a war that was unnecessary and did not have a clear winner at the end of it. A tear began to run down both sides of his face. Then one final tear fell of his father’s face.

The two of them knew that blood would be shed on both sides of the conflict. They also knew that the innocent blood from the people forced to fight would be on the ground. Also those people would have died in vain. They knew the tears would flow freely from all the people’s faces. This great epic and final battle would forever change the bond between the world and its leaders. A more united and free world would come out onto to the world from the light that engulfs it.

Jason took that book of hymns of his out of the drawer in the vault within his study at his lab and began to sing a little song, “Amazing grace. How sweet the sound? That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found; was blind but now I see…” A tear then ran his face. He could almost hear another person singing in the distance…

That voice was his son, Jack, and he sang, “Amazing grace. How sweet that sound? It saved a wretch like me. I was lost, but now I am found; once I was blind, now I can see…”

The song echoed throughout the Statue of Liberty. Jason could feel the presence of peace and forgiveness. There was warmth a kind of within him. He could feel the great and mighty lord within him.

Jason whipped the tears from his eyes and looked around and prayed, “Father, forgive me f my sins. I have not prayed for a long time now. What I am about to do will forever impact the world. I pray now on to you with my heart set to undo the wrong doings of my grandfather, James. I pray for strength and understanding of why these events have occurred. I pray in my fellow brother’s and your son’s name, A-men.”

Then, in the distance on the land next to the battered tree, Jack began to pray, “Father, forgive me of my sins. I hope and pray for great strength for what is about to happen to me and my father. I can see what I truly am. Forgive me for what I started. Just forgive me for what I am about to do. I know that you are real and that your will always be with me, in your son’s and my brother’s name, A-men.”

Jack then heard the song echo through the wind. He thought he could hear throughout the world, after he prayed. He then, knew that everything was right for the first time in a long while. He shed a tear. As that tear fell, he saw the Atmospheric Regenerator fall from the sky, for real this time. The heavens changed colors and he knew the end was coming ever so close. His father also knew that the end of his son’s life was about to come to pass, and a final tear fell down both of their faces.

December 8, 2666

Twenty three days till the final battle…As the war raged onward, a few faces fell to the ground; a friend, a family member and a brother. No words could describe what Jason was feeling. He could not let go of his brother. He did not want to be alone again. He did not want to feel the way he did before. Jason walked over to his fellow twin brother, Jacob.

Jacob looked up at his brother and said, “Fight the fight till the very end…”

Then, as the last breathe came out of his brother’s body, Jason felt a tear run down his face. He then said, “Good-bye, brother. God protect him and keep his soul safe. He was dragged into this war like I was with the rest of the world. I can no longer stand for this. Forgive the sinner that did this to me and the world, A-men.”

He then walked over to his best and most trusted friends, Evan. He looked at the almost half mangled body of his friend and prayed. Jason asked for his forgiveness in what he did to him and his family. Evan’s face grew cold and lifeless. Jason closed his friend’s eyes and walked away.

Finally, he walked over to Mitch, his best friend and trusted advisor. He said to him, “You will not die today, you will live forever.”

Jason could feel their souls go up to Heaven and he said to his own self, “I am sorry, that your eternal slumber will not last, forgive me, my fellow brothers. You will be alive once again.”

He knew everyone that was being killed around him. He also knew that this war was too brutal for him to handle. He saw a vision of the white door. It was right in front of him, and it was laced in blood once again. A door once the color of peace and purity now stained with the blood of the innocent.

As the vision faded, he began to run for the enemy and he stabbed twenty unknown blind innocent men that followed his grandfather’s ideology. He looked at their faces and began to cry even harder for innocent blood he did not want to shed. A faint memory began to creep back in his mind.

Twenty-one years ago, he killed one million innocent people and he could not forgive himself of it. It was all because of his grandfather, James. He got into Jason’s mind and corrupted his entire soul. The memory faded back into nothingness.

There were bodies upon bodies were around him. He saw all the faces of the families that fought for a common cause for the bettering of the human race, but he could bear to watch all of the mutilation which was occurring around him. He ran for his life and saw his son’s face pass through his mind.

His son, Jack, on the other hand did not know anyone that was around him when they died. The only thing he could do for them was to close their eyes, so they could sleep in peace at a time of great turmoil. He walked past many people lying on the ground and did not want to see any more bodies around him. He walked away and never looked back again, but he did pray a prayer for all the people that were around him.

Jack walked away from the massive war zone. He did not want to see any more of this. He could feel everything that his father was going through. He could feel the pain and the anger. He was about to collapse from all the emotions that were running though his head, when he thought, “What happened to the unchanging chamber? Was it disturbed?”

He could not think about it one bit. He ran for it. The emotions were running high in his head. He did not want to think about it but it was all he could think about. What else could he think about? His father and what he had to do to save the world He knew what his father had to do. He had to kill his one and only son. Which in this case was Jack, himself, was to be shot to save the world from the horrors of this raging war. The day ended with him and his thoughts.

December 11, 2666

Twenty days till the end…Jack saw all of destruction that he caused. He saw all the heartbreak that occurred because of him and his “great” grandfather. He went back to the McKay’s library and saw that they were all killed and the Unchanging Chamber was opened. Inside the chamber, was the entire collection of his “great” grandfather’s double ganger bodies, but James, himself, was nowhere to be found.

He closed the chamber again and sealed it tight enough so that his grandfather could not get back into it, so what was inside would stay the same could not be touched.

Where his father was…Behind Jason was his grandfather. He looked at him and said, “See what you have done to this world. It is now hell on earth because of what you have done to my son. You have taken away his light and purity. You will die old man for what you have done.”

“Your son wanted me to tell you that I can no longer live forever. He terminated all of my double gangers in that warehouse next to your lab facility in New York. So you can kill now, but be careful I may come back when everything is said and done. One final thing though, fuck you grandson. Fuck you and your fucking brothers. Fuck your father and your god damn son. You will destroy everything that I was put on this earth to do…”

“…Fuck you old man, my name is Jason James O’Connell. I once killed one million people because of you. God forgave me of my sins. God will not save your soul. So, die old man!” Jason shouted before delivering the final bullet that would finally end the life of his grandfather, for the present time. He walked away and saw the future get brighter for once in his life.

Jason walked to his father and said, “The evil that was named James is dead for the time being. I hope that all the double gangers were put into the Unchanging Chamber in the Unknown Section of the Archives.”

Jonathan looked at his son, Jason, and said, “Now, about your son. Will you kill him to put an end to his war? Or will you not so your grandfather can no longer live…?”

“Father, I will not kill my son if I did not have to, but…”To Be Concluded.

-Jon McKay

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