Monday, October 22, 2012

Bloody December Part 1...

The Epic 2-Part
Finale Begins
Next Month
On November 4th

Bloody December
Begins Soon

The End Is Ever So Near.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chapter 10 | November 1, 2666

Jack was dragging his grandfather’s currently lifeless body for two and a half days, trying to get to the one of the places he thought his father did not know about and the Omega Army did not destroy in the raging war that was going on within the world. He walked to the monk monastery in the Alps of Western Europe on the boarder of the European and Asian continents. It was in a very top secret place that not everyone knew about. Some who went looking for it could not find it. They just got lost in all of the snow.

He walked up to the massive, ornate, wooden doors and said, “Open up! Open up! I have brought the evil one named James to be locked away in the chamber where time stands still. He must be alive. I need him alive. So, when time rewinds itself, I can kill him myself. We need to be washed of his sins and disseat. He needs to be killed, but not when I get a bullet put into my body. If he is not in there I cannot save the world. Just please open up!”

The massive doors opened slowly. Inside the doorway were the McKay Family and their library of record. It also contained the past, present, and future histories of everyone who was, is, and will ever live in the world. This monk monastery was the perfect place to keep all the known information about the world in one highly secretive and unknown location. It was done because it was secluded and no one could find it. It was hidden from the rest of the world.

This place’s location was only given to a select few, the head of each of the Tri-Family and, the exception, for entire McKay Family. The only person who found it was his great-great uncle Jonas Archer O’Connell. He found it. Also, Jack’s father found it, when he needed to find it to see the message that his father left for him.

Within the library there were tapestries, paintings, and old treasures from all eras of time. It was a kind of secret museum for a select few. The library was split into two parts. There was the “public” library which the Tri-Family could use to research about the person that they were going to fight and decided what their plan was to defeat this person of interest. The other part was the private archive, which only the heads of each of the families could use.

The massive and ever expanding “public” library was in the front of the building. It held all the current and known information that could be used in research and studies. It is dwarfed by the ever massive archive. Once, a man walked in and never came out alive. This part of the library was hidden behind a secret passage behind one of the set of bookcases. It is full of the books that tell of the histories of each person in the world past, present, and even the future.

Jack took his great grandfather to the Unchanging Chamber. Its’ current location is unknown, even to some of the McKay Family members. Anything that was put into the chamber does not move or change from the state when the item was put into it. Which means all of James’ dead double-gangers would not come to life.

So, Jack had to go and get James’ double-gangers so they could be put into the chamber. Jack did so and marked each one with a three digit code. He then put a permanent mark on the one that was still alive. He and the McKay Family members, which knew about the chamber, locked the door and sealed the chamber with enough air for him to survive.

Jack walked back into the massive library and asked Walter McKay, “What is within that vault over there?”

“Well, Jack,” Walter began, “Within that vault is something that cannot be explained by me or my family. That vault was installed by your family. Well, actually, your father did it. He installed it for anyone who needed answers to their questions. We are allowed within it, but we do not understand what it really is. It is something that must be experienced by a great few. I can tell you this you never come out the same.”

“May, I go into the vault?” Jack asked.

“You may go into the vault, but be warned my friend. The pure of heart may enter into the chamber, and walk right back out unchanged. The disheartened may enter, but shall not come out the same as they entered,” Walter answered Jack.

Jack looked at Walter and shook his head. He proceeded to walk over to the massive vault. He typed in his birth date because it was an eight digit lock. The door accepted the code. Jack opened it up, and walked into something that he knew little about. He looked behind him and saw the massive steel door close behind him slowly.  The vault itself locked the door. He did not know what was about to happen to him, but he did know he would never be the same after this moment going forward…

November 2-November 20, 2666

The vault computer began with, “Please stand in the middle of the room. Then, state your name. More instructions will be given shortly.”

Jack walked into the middle of the room and said, “My name is Jack James O’Connell, son of Jason James O’Connell.”

The vault computer then said, “Welcome, Jack O’Connell, you have been put on the wrong path in your life’s journey to your ultimate destiny to save the world. Please, open up your senses. Begin, to open you mind and soul to the possibilities of different futures and different time lines. You are now floating in the middle of the room. As you open your eyes, you will experience something that you have never experienced before. Welcome to Vault of Revelations.”

As Jack opened his eyes, he saw millions upon millions of books appearing all around him in the room. He looked below him to see everything that he ever did was beginning to decay into nothing but a black cloud of pure chaos.

He then, heard a voice, “Look at what you have done to the world you call your home. You are making it into hell on earth. Look at the innocent people that are still living and the ones you have killed. They are suffering because of you. Now Look at the son you were to have he is now no longer going to live in the same peaceful world. He will die after he is born. He will die because of you and your monstrous ways. Find the truth and is within your own heart. Find it and come to terms with it.”

Jack began to cry, he saw his pure salty tears begin to turn into dark red blood. The red tears fell onto a pure white flag. The flag began to burn. He felt the heat from the flame. He saw a vision of people burning and dying because of what he did. He saw them screaming for someone to put it out, but no one did a thing because the world was corrupted.

He then began to see everything that he would have accomplished disappear and turn into ashes. His breathe grew still. It was cold all around him He could feel the presence of something or someone in the room. Behind him, there he was his once future son. He looked at him and asked, “Who are supposed you?”

“I am, Jayson Leonardo O’Connell, your son. I was to be your greatest accomplishment in the world that was laced in blood and loss. I was to come and make it pure once again like you once did.  Now, thanks to your clouded mind from all of the lies from my great-great grandfather, James, I will no longer live. Find the truth that he keeps from you and destroy your firewall from the outside world and embrace it. You do know that self sacrifice and prayer is the only way to forgive all sins…”

His future son disappeared into the nothingness that was the future. Jack’s mind began to clear and he could feel the warmth of his heart grow and radiate outward into the world. Then, that feeling of someone being in the room came back to him.

 Another, unexpected, guest appeared behind him. This time it was his once future wife. Jack stared into her eyes and asked, “Now, who are you supposed to be?”

“I am, Martha Anne McClain, your future wife. We were to be married to each other just before your father passed on into the beyond of his own life. We were also to have the final O’Connell in your family, your son, the book keeper. Right now, I do not believe that you have all your marbles together because of your great grandfather, I know him as the evil named James has clouded your mind with lies. You have to understand that you were to save the world like Jesus did and cleanse the world of its sins, but this time launch a great era of peace. The dark mark can be cleared by purifying light…”

She disappeared into the frameworks of the unknown future. Jack’s mind became even clearer. The warmth in his heart began to grow even warmer. There was a spark lit within his heart. He felt the urgency to get the war over with once and for all. Once again, and for the final time, that same feeling came back.

The last, and final, guest was behind him. It was his father, “Hello, my son, I have been waiting for you for a very long time now. I wanted to see you here. I wanted you to learn more about yourself as a man and person. I welcome you, myself, to the Vault of Revelations. You have been in this room for exactly nineteen days. You have finally have seen the light that was within you all this time. You have a warm heart once again. I can see the spark in your eyes again. I can see that you want to get this whole thing over with…”

November 21, 2666

Jack walked out of the vault a changed person. He was the man he used to be. He looked at the McKay Family and asked, “Where is my father?”

“He is in his library. Why?” They asked.

“He was in there with me. He was the last person I saw in there. Do not let anyone touch that vault. It is a wondrous thing to behold. I will be having a meeting with my father very soon,” Jack told them before leaving.

He walked out of the monastery and jumped of the piece of earth, where he was. He jumped down to his father’s library, walked in, and said, “Father, the end is near. Meet me and my army at the place where the Omega Organization once stood. It is time to end this feud once and for all. You and I will decide the future of this world. The future this time will be guaranteed by the outcome of this battle. I will see you at the end of this year.”

Jack walked back out of the library and smiled for he finally knew something to be true for the first time in a long time.

November 30, 2666

Jason looked at his army and saw everything that they stood for was diminishing, but they were winning all they could. He knew that this final ultimatum would decide the outcome of the world. He looked at his brothers and said, “The day of judgment is coming soon, for this world will forever change after the last day of this year.”

Jason walked over to the edge and went back to where this had begun. He walked over to his laboratory and unlocked the vault behind his desk. Inside there was a book of poems and songs. He pulled it out and began to read it, “This day is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it…” A tear began to run down his face. The final hour of November came and he knew that it was finally…To Be Continued

-Jon McKay