Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chapter 8 | September 7, 2666

After about the first week of September, Jason, his three brothers (Jonah, Jacob, and John Jr.), and the SAFD were re-establishing the greatest army in the world, Army Alpha (also known as Alpha Army). It was a very difficult process, but they were still getting the hang of leading a massive army in an epic war against the Omega Organization and its army. They knew that it was going to be a bloody battle, but well worth it if their plan was a success.

At about ten o’clock in the morning they started their meeting to discuss the plan of attack to try and draw most of Omega Army’s forces to them. They wanted to kill off most of the troops until making the final blow by killing his son, Jack, and their grandfather, James.

Jason looked at his brothers and began to shed a tear down his face at the thought of killing his one and only son. He looked away and did not want to say anything about what to transpire in the coming days, weeks, and months. But he had to when they said, “We know that this is not going to be easy for you to do.”

“How could you possibly know what to do brothers? You don’t even have any children of your own. I have one son. I can only have one son. You do not and will not get it. You have no idea what is in store for our family in the coming days, weeks, and months. My son is corrupted by blind ambitions and wanting power over all who breathe on this planet we call Earth. I saved this world, and now it is against me. I cannot tell the world what I did to save it. They will not believe in what I tell them because at the time our brother, still known to us as Jonah, told the world that I was this great conqueror trying to destroy this world, but I have put that in the past,” Jason ended and walked out of the room and into the unknown future.

His brothers stayed behind to talk amongst themselves. They could see the pain that was within his eyes and the heartache that was within his soul. They truly did not know how much this was going to hurt him. They knew when he was a child that he was not for doing the thing that the people in his life wanted him to do. He was different from the rest of children at his age. He was a rebel of sorts. He went against the grain and did not do anything according to plan.

Jason did everything by his own plan. The plan was to become a person that would change the world. Which came true, after all, he did save the world with his inventions. Well, there was one invention that no one knows about except himself. He created the Gravitation Generator. This was created or invented, five years before the world was to explode. It was created in secret and is hidden from the world. No one knows where it is including John Jr., Jonah, and Jacob, but Jason is the only person knows where it is.

Jason was in his room. He opened his dresser, he uncovered a hidden button, next he pushed the button, and he then walked over to his bed, and walked down a long stairway. It led to the very first invention that he invented. It was his Gravitation Generator. He touched the old steel and remembered when he invented it. It helped him create the Anti-Gravitation Cell for the modern vehicle. Yes, Jason O’Connell created the flying car.

He walked back up to his room. He closed the hidden stairwell underneath his bed. He walked out of the room and he was planning for something for his son. He smiled and knew what to do to help his son get back on the right path.

September 15, 2666

Ten days later after the meeting…Inside the Omega Organization, Jack was waiting for his father to make the first strike, yet he did not know when or where it was going to happen. As he walked over to the window, he saw all of the destruction that was caused by his blind ambitions to acquire power. He looked up to the sky and saw that it was the color red. He then closed his eyes and remembered back to the day that changed his own life, forever. The day of that fateful accident, the day that turned his attention to something else besides him and his father.

While in the memory, he saw his mother and father in the front of the car while he was sitting in the back seat. His father was in the passenger seat. His mother was the one that was driving the car. They were on their way to New York City for the holidays.

He looked at his mother and father. He saw them smiling at one another. Everything was all good, for the time being, until the accident occurred. The accident occurred about sixty miles from the city limits. There was some snow on the road. Then, at mile marker sixty the car swerved off the road and flipped on end. They rolled from about five hundred feet away from the marker.

Jack blacked out. He did not know the extent of his injuries. He could not feel any movement in his arms or legs. He then, in a kind of daze, he looked up and saw his father pick him up. His father carried him to his father’s lab at the abandoned Statue of Liberty.

Inside the statue’s base, he saw everything that his father did to him to save him. He saw his father amputate his legs. Then, he saw his new appendages being attached to his body. Next, he saw his father crack his skull and attach the electrodes to the epicenters where all the movements of each appendage were located. His father tested each nerve ending and each worked. The surgery was a complete success.

A few hours later, he looked when his father created the biomechanical brain that would be inside his father’s head for the rest of his life. Next, he saw his father go under the knife, when Evan cracked open his father’s skull and carefully take out his father’s brain. It took almost a full twelve hours to perform the surgery. He had to attach everything to the new brain.

He, then, saw Evan attach electrodes to the old brain and transfer all the memories and everything that was his father into the new brain. He then saw for a quick second the Book of Destiny within his father’s head. It was a very small looking book. It was beautifully handcrafted. He looked away, and some part of him told him not to tell that they had a fake replication of the book.

Then, in an instant he was transported back to the scene of the accident. There he finally learned the truth. He saw his mother walk up to the car, she had a phone in her hand, and she dialed a number and called his evil great grandfather, James. He could hear her say, “Damn it, it did not go according to plan. They are still alive. My mission was a complete failure. I am sorry, sir, but this good business that was to go down yesterday evening did not happen. The unexpected happened he survived. What should we do now?”

“Nothing, my pet, we are going to do nothing at all. We will let the timeline unfold as it will at this present moment in time…”

“…We cannot allow this. The world works in mysterious ways. There is nothing we can do. Damn it..!”

“I know my dear pet. I say, ““Fuck the world and its ways,”” James, Jack’s great grandfather told his mother. James hung up the phone and looked at the bookshelf behind his desk. There were tons of books on its shelves. He was only looking for one. He found the book on the top shelf. He found a book of mythical and spiritual items. He turned to the table of contents. He looked under the heading destiny. He then, found an amazing article of the Book of Destiny.

The Article read as follows:

The Book of Destiny was found by an old wise man in an old monk monastery’s library while on a mission trip. The location is unknown. He took the book and ran away with it to what today we call America (AKA: The United States of America). There he used it to shape the newly budding country into what it is today.

Then one day, in the early twenty-first century it was lost and the country experienced a time of great suffering. It was found again, but the damage was too great to help the nation get back on its feet.

The book was then, taken back to the monastery’s library by a mysterious person. This man did not use the Book of Destinies to change the outcome of the world because he believed it never possessed the power to change any one man’s destiny if you wrote in it. He also believed that the book was just a fairy tale told to children so they can believe in something bigger.

It was never moved from the monastery until the end of the twenty-sixth century. It was the year 2590. It was taken by a greedy person. This person took it for power and to control the world and its struggling nations. This man was never caught, but he was killed the day before a great war began. The book was lost forever.

But, there was another barer of the book. This man found it in the last man’s old library. This was the last and final time it was seen in someone’s hands was seen. This man used it to see into the future to see what his son’s destinies were to be. This man’s name is Jonathon James O’Connell. The book is still lost and nowhere to be found. It is said that he hid it from the world so it could not find it. Where is the book now? No one will know.

As Jack came back to reality, behind him was his father, Jason. He looked at his father. His father looked at him. The two of them did not talk to one another for a good twenty minutes. When the twenty minutes was up, Jack walked over to his desk and sat down in the chair. His father then looked down at his son like he was mad at what he was doing to the world. Jack looked up like a little boy and wondered why his father was there.

His father then said, “Do you now understand why I saved you? I did not want you die, so I saved you from what your mother tried to do to you and me.”

“Why the hell are you here? I thought you were getting your army ready to destroy me and this organization. I cannot believe what I saw in that big fucking faked fabricated flashback of yours. I fucking hate you, nothing of that flashback was real and you fucking damn well known that to be a fucking damn fact!” Jack said in anger. He stood up and out of his chair to make the agreement a bit more even.

“Well, then son, I guess you will never learn how much I cared and loved you after the accident. That fabricated flashback was the fucking truth. It was one hundred percent true, because after that day I also had the same flashback on this day for the past four years. It makes me cry when I see my little boy act like an ass because of what his damn great grandfather did to him. Your fucking great grandfather brain washed you into believing anything and everything he believes in,” Jason said to his son.

“Fuck you, your brother’s, your father, and everyone who ever believed in anything you said. You are a damn liar and fool to con me into what you believe in. Get out of my god damn sight. I hate you and the person you call god is not real!” he shouted.

“Take those words back son. You will be going to hell one day for what you have done and said in the lord’s holy name. I cannot believe that you do not see what I see. I see everyone as a part in his great celestial being,” Jason told his son before leaving.

After his father left his office, Jack looked out the window one last time for the day. A glimpse of the coming days began to creep into his head. He looked at the sky and it was still as red as ever. Then, it went completely black. He saw his father outside the building. He saw the Atmospheric Regenerator fall out of the sky.

As it landed on the ground, it burst into flames. He saw his father disappear. Then, he saw the black hole, where he would have one day sacrificed himself for the planet to save it. Jack then, looked at a weird future where he had a son of his own, who would have one day become a bookkeeper of sorts. Then, in an instant Jack awoke from the little day dream and did not know what to think of it.

September 30, 2666

On the last day of the month, a day that would forever be named the day of black sun, the day it all began, the war between father and son. It was between Jason and his army of the enlightened trying to cleanse the world of its sins. As well as, his son’s army of misguided sinners trying to take control of the world and making it into something that was no longer pure and innocent. At both ends of the spectrum, each wanted a different future. Each wanted to kill the other to make the world a better place for each other's self being. The both of them just wanted revenge for what the other did to the other.

At the SAFD’s headquarters, Jason felt a tear go down his face. He looked over to his brothers and said, “I cannot go through with this. He is my one and only son. I cannot go through with this. He is my son. You do not fucking get it do you bother’s? He is my damn son, and I cannot go through with what I have to do. I have to kill my son for the better of this planet.”

Jake walked over to Jason and said, “Everything now-a-days will be difficult for every single person in this room. We will kill our old friends from the good old days where there was a war raging on. We will also the family members that followed our grandfather blindly. We know how it feels brother and we do not want to do it either.”

Then his second older brother, Jonah, came over and said, “When you told me of my daughter and that she was dead. I was very angry with our grandfather did to her, but after that a memory started to come through the cracks. It was in the future that once was. I killed her, and I loved her with all my heart. On her tomb stone it read, ““Here lies my girl, I will always love you.”” It was too much for me, but I knew that I could change that future after this war is said and done. The future is set in stone, but it does not have to be that way.”

Finally, John Jr. came over and said. “Brother, I saw the future in which you saved me. I promise, if I go back to the way I was in that other timeline. I will try not to become the monster that I became because of our grandfather. I will fight it because I know that I am not alone in the world.”

The Day of Black Sun Begins:

Jason looked at his four brothers and began to smile His old laugh began to come out and back into the open. He then wiped the tears from his face.  

Jason stood above the crowd of millions that made up the brand new Army Alpha. He looked at each one of them and shouted, “This is our time! This war will now start to come to an end. It is time for the “great” Omega Army to fall to us. We will start at their heart, their headquarters in New York City. We will then move out to destroy its extremities that have latched themselves throughout the world. We will destroy the Omega Organization where the Omega Army gets its supplies. We will not destroy its leaders, my son and the evil named James. They will be destroyed by be and only me,” Jason took a moment to pause, “We shall forever change the face of history. We will put this world back on the timeline that it is supposed to be on. It is time for a great Armageddon to come and destroy the enemy. This world will see a time of great peace after this war is over. A great time of enlightenment will cast a blanket of light across the world.”

He turned around and looked at his brother’s and said, “I am not alone in this fight. I will now and forever know that I am not alone in this world, even when I am feeling alone and isolated from the world. I know that I will always be in the presence of three great brothers and friends, as well as, our father in heaven and on earth.”

He then looked out and over the crowd. His brothers were smiling behind him. He saw everyone cheering. He then said, “IT ALL ENDS NOW! Get ready we will be jumping soon.”

The crowd cheered and Jason gave the okay to jump off of the edge of the chunk earth, where they were, to get to the Omega Organization. As the Alpha Army arrived, they turned on their cloaking devices and sneaked into the building and into Destination Hell.

They killed all the members of the high council. Then, they killed everyone that was inside the meeting room. The part of the army that went into the building looked in every room and setup a charge in each room and they rescued the people that the Omega Organization captured. Alpha Army went out of the building.

Amongst all the happenings going on, James fled from the scene and quickly as possible so he could not be killed. He looked around him and did not feel a thing for all the people that were being killed around him. He was running for himself and not the world that did not want to be controlled by an evil man like him. He did not know that his grandson had his eyes on him…

In the headquarters of the Omega Organization, Jason walked up to his son’s office and said to him, “I know that this day had to come. I will see you again in December for the climax of our father son relationship and the world’s future…” To Be Continued.

-Jon McKay
(O’Connell Family Historian)