Monday, July 2, 2012

Chapter 7 | August 1, 2666

As the wind blew and the smoke cleared, Jason stood atop a huge unknown empire of secret codes and lies. He was standing in a place that was not familiar to him or his brothers. He looked around and saw everything that his father hid from them. He saw all of the people that protected them, who were hidden in plain sight. He was in the headquarters of the SAFD. He walked over to the window next to his best friend, Evan, the current head of this organization.

Evan looked at Jason and did not want to say a thing. He did not want to tell Jason why he kept this secret from. Why he did not trust him about this secret world beyond the one in New York City, as well as, the Omega Organization. It was, too, complicated and it never really made sense to anyone who heard about this organization. Evan walked away and still did not say a word to his best friend in the world.

Jason did not care about all of the mystery, but he wanted to know what this society was all about. Jason walked all over the place to find Evan. He found him in the main meeting room just below the command center.

In the meeting room, Jason asked Evan, “What is this agency all about?”

“This agency was established to protect and uphold the values of John James O’Connell from the evil that is named James, as well as, the people who threaten his sons. It was also built upon the values of family and honor above all else. He was after all a family man. This place was built when you and your brothers were born. This building was constructed on the day of the last son’s birth. It took only four years to build and construct, and I thank you for helping establish this agency for me to work in as the head of the Secret Agency of Family Defense,” Evan answered.

“Who else, besides you, my friend, works for this agency?” asked Jason.

Evan answered, “Well, my brother, Mitch, and the McKay Family. There are others, but I cannot tell who they all are or you are going to have a huge headache.”

“You are not telling me everything that you know. You are hiding something from me, a secret that no one else in this place knows about…”

“…I know, my friend, I still have to keep some secrets I have from you. I can tell you this, Jason, when it is time, I will tell you the secret that I hold to you and only you.”

August 13, 2666

Jason was walking down the halls of the SAFD, when he stumbled upon the records room. He walked inside and saw every record of their lives on hand. There was one section that did not have any file or book. Jason saw that this section was the Destiny Section of their lives. There was a label on top of the self that read their names and the word Destiny. It read, “Here is the one thing that could destroy our whole operation the Book of Destiny.”

Jason ran out of the room and went to see Evan. He went to Evan’s office and shouted, “Why does the Omega Council have the Book of Destiny?”

“Jason, you are a bit emotional right now. They do not have the book. We still have it. It is under lock and key since the day we recovered it from there headquarters. They cannot penetrate our facilities. It is hidden well enough that they will never find it. We have the top security team in the world at our disposal. Before you ask, they have a book that was made out to be the Book of Destiny, but it is a complete fake. This fake book is nothing but the tales of the Brothers Grimm.”

Jason looked at Evan with an unconvinced face. So, Evan took Jason to the vault where the book was stored. They walked down many flights of stairs to the bottom floor of the SAFD’s headquarters. They found themselves in the oldest place of the facility. Jason looked around the room where they were. He saw no vault whatsoever. There was no sign of any huge door that was keeping something locked away.

He did not understand why this so called vault was all the way down here. They stopped at a huge doorway. Evan stopped Jason and said, “No one else has ever been down here but me and your father. I believe you are ready for this. This is the secret I have been keeping from you. The book is within that doorway. Inside is a room familiar to you and only you.”

Jason walked inside of the room. It looked familiar to Jason. It seemed to him like he was finally home. He was right after all. He was in his old room. Inside, there were many memories and secrets. Evan came in and finally told Jason, “You know that your father was always watching you. Do you know why?”

“I do not know why my father was watching me this close, Evan,” Jason answered, “So, my friend, do not skate around the details.”

“Well, your father watched you this close because you were the book all along. That book that the Omega Organization has is just a regular old book about fairy tales. Your father hid the book inside of you. On the day when I put that brain inside of you, I left the book inside. I did not want anyone else to steal it and your father told me to keep it in. This is the origin of your special ability to hear everyone’s thoughts. This world of ours is no longer safe for you or your brothers. They died once and now that they have returned, this world will be destroyed if we do not act now.”

Jason and Evan walked out of the room. The both of them did not look at each other until they were with the others. Jason kept the information that he learned to himself. His thoughts of his father changed for the better and he smiled for the time in a long time in the presence of his brother and friends.

Jason stepped out and away from the others. He walked back down to his old room. He looked at the dust of past. He saw everything that was once his and his father’s. He remembered to the night that he got the news that his father was dead. He cried for many days and felt like crap. He felt like he could not do a thing to save his father.

He then, sat in his old chair. He remembered were the books were and began to read the one book that never got old. He read, The Tragedy of Roses, A book that remembered at time that there were flowers. He read that book for science class and he created the new rose. He brought back the flower.

As the day turned to night, Jason was happy to be among his friends and family. He smiled and he knew that darkness would soon be shattered by purifying light.

August 23, 2666

Jason knowing where the Book of Destiny was, he began to figure out a plan to destroy the Omega Organization. He also wanted to end this great and epic war. He looked at all of the options, but the only one that made sense was to kill his grandfather then his own son.

Jason knew that his world would be forever changed after this event. He knew that what came after the light was something that does not occur that often anymore. He no longer believes in anything that a sane person would believe in. He believes in taking a risk to get a major result from it. He wants to destroy an evil organization and rebuild the world to make it a better place for it to live.

He understands his limits. He understands the severity of his forthcoming actions will ultimately alter the way the world looks at him. He knows that what happens next will destroy the image his father did not want his son to be associated with. He will forever change his own genetic make-up to help alter and change the world for the better, just as a prophet once told his fellow brothers that they world someday change the world for the better of the planet.

That person was, the very one of the first O’Connell Brothers. His name, as you know, was Jonas Archer O’Connell. This man built the Omega Council to help the world, not to destroy it. His own council of brothers overturned him and built a higher court to show that they had more power over the weak old council.

Their council was corrupt and evil. Their council only survived because of fear. The fear of the unknown, the unseen future, and how much force it would take to destroy one man that made them an enemy of the world. They thought that they were better, but they were not. They were corrupted like the old councils that were before them. They made a mess of a once pure council. The destroyed the values they were sworn to protect.

It is funny to look at from an outside perspective, but once you dive into the controversy it just gets bigger. You wonder why Jason did not join the Omega Organization. That question can be only answered by Jason, himself.

“I did not want to become corrupted like my grandfather and the people that followed him. There is nothing I regret more than my son believing in whatever my grandfather told him about the day of the accident. Brothers, I have no regrets moving forward. I love you all and I will protect this place from that evil man.”

His friend Evan knew real truth about happened to his best friend. He knows what James did to corrupt and destroy what was in his friend’s heart. The world knew too of what Jason did, but he was forgiven when he founded his corporation. At the old capitol of the United States, was a plaque graced with all one million people he killed. Jason himself built the memorial. It was like the one of September 11th, 2001. Every year Jason goes back to the memorial and cries for what he did…

August 31, 2666

On the final day of the month Jason was ready to fight back and for his life. He went to his brothers and talked it over with them. Evan called all personnel to the main hanger. There was to be a speech and a battle cry to begin what had to begin the ending of the war.

Jason walked up to the main part of the building. He went to the control center of the SAFD. He looked at everyone that was in the room he told them I was time to assemble the troops and begin what would ultimately end the war for good.

He went with brother to the hanger. He looked at everyone that was standing in the hanger and shouted, “I never knew my father like you guys did, but I did know one thing about him. He was a great man that created a network of people that were to protect his own family. He knew that the threat was that of the Omega Organization. He knew, as well as, I know that the Omega Organization is corrupt. It was once a place of unknown possibilities when it was still pure and innocent. I never wanted to join it because of my father. He knew that I was too pure to enter such a controversial place. As I stand before you now, that organization is taking over the world. It is destroying everything you know and love.  You might say that it is the end of the world as we know it. I learned when I was shot at a young age and again when I am the age I currently am now that I could not trust anyone. But as I am in this place with you, I know I am safe from harm. It is something that I did not take lightly. So, as of right now, you, my brothers, and I are all that is left of the purity of the world. I now call to order Alpha Army, 2.0…”

“…One final thing, brother, what is your plan?”

“Why are you standing around for? Are you coming? Are you ready? Will you fight? I know that I am. Are you to fight alongside me and my fellow brothers in arms?”…To Be Continued.

-Jon McKay
(O’Connell Family Historian)