Saturday, June 9, 2012

Chapter 6 | July 31, 2666

After a long month of battling, the Omega Order had control over half of the world’s land. Each sub nation of the world that tried to stop the massive Omega Army fell in its path of destruction. It was three times as big as the first army in the Great Thirty Years War that was near the beginning of the twenty-seventh century. Jason was stuck inside the chamber where his brothers all died. He could not understand why they wanted him there inside a place of massive tragedy in his life.

He was walking around in the room for many hours wondering what was going on. He looked around the empty room. He waited for someone to open the door. He waited and waited, but nothing happened. Ten hours had passed and someone finally came into the room. Jason looked into the eyes of the man and said, “What the hell happened to you?”

His son looked him in the eye and answered, “I made you pay for what you fucking did to me. You made that car crash, not my caring loving mother. You did it your fucking jackass. You killed her and my own self being. You made me this half human and half machine freak. I fucking hate you and I will be putting the hangman’s noose on you tomorrow. Also and finally, you will see my mother again and she will be the one to kill you in front of the world.”

“I did not raise you to be like this. You are better than anyone in this entire building. I have to tell you this, my son, your mother worked for the Omega Organization. She was hired by my grandfather to kill me and you because we were to save the world from them and their ideas. Now, we can’t do that anymore because of what you’ve started. You started something that you won’t be able to stop. This war will escalate and the world will fall apart for good. One final thing, too, this isn’t just good business anymore. I swear I will kill you and your grandfather if it is the last thing I do.”

“How are you going to do that? I would really like to see that!” Jack laughed and walked out of the room. Before closing the door, Jack said, “Guess what daddy?”


“I killed your brother,” Jack told him. He left the room and did not feel a thing for what he did to his father’s twin brother.

Jason looked down at the floor of the room. A tear ran down his face. He felt the rage grow bigger in his heart. The body began to crack under the pressure. He could not feel any animosity towards his son. It was too late to help his son and the world.

He tried not to keep his mind from dwelling on the fact that there was nothing that he could do for anyone in his life. Jason could not get his mind off of the fact that his own flesh and blood killed his twin brother. But he said to himself that he could, yet to him it was still a lie to get over everything that happened to him. Yet that memory of him and his father did not go away. He did remember what his father told him that he was not alone in the world. So, he looked inside of his mind and asked the people that were close to him, his brother what he should do.

They answered, “You will do nothing, but what we can do for you is to give you our abilities. You can use them for what you see fit to use them for. Jason, we are one in the same. We will not let go of our bond. We are brothers to the end. Now, it is time to use our abilities to our fullest advantage, the element of surprise. These gifts were given to us for a reason. We were to be the high council in the world and to help save it from itself. We were to protect it and we have to protect this house, our world from the threat of destruction.”

Jonah, also known as, Leo, told his little brother that he had the ability to look at the future in the greatest sense of it all. John Jr. told him that he could jump in time, but only four times a year. Finally, Jacob told him that he could experience Time Hick-ups.

Jason looked at them and said, “Thank you, my brothers, and let us save the world from the brink of destruction.”

Jason opened his eyes. He looked at the world in a different light for the first time in a long time he was not alone. He walked over to the door and shouted to the guards, “I will escape from this chamber right now and you cannot stop me!!!!!!”

As the guard outside started to open the door, Jason was gone from the room. He transported himself to a time when his brother’s died and placed his grandfather’s dead double-gangers in his brother’s places. He could only save two of them, but that was all he needed to do. The last place where he stopped was at the meeting of his grandfather, where was shot and said to his face, “All three of us are alive and you will soon die.”

He then jumped to the present where his son was wreaking havoc onto the world and its people. He walked up to his son’s office and said, “Guess who got out of his cage!”

His son looked at him and said, “I guess you can now kill me.”

“I will not kill you until it is time for me to do that, but now that I know and understand how my grandfather lived for so long, I will be killing him first to allow his damn soul to go to hell forever. He is satin after all,” Jason told Jack.

“Who told you that? That is top secret information. It was once filed under the file header of James, but then was relocated to file 0103. That file has not been read by anyone but me and those who shall not be named. Who told you about him? You are mother fucking son of a bitch asshole!”

“No, need for that language,” Jason started, “You killed me, and I was sent up to heaven and he told me everything that I needed to know.”

“God to me is not real and you will pay for saying such a thing. Curse you, my father.”

Jason walked out of the room with his brothers and went back to his lab. He looked at his brothers and began to cry. He looked at the incomplete family. As he sat down, his brothers looked at him and said, “You did the right thing, saving us. It was the right thing to do, but we’re sorry about you and your son’s falling out. We did not know about you two, but we have to press on and rebuild Alpha Army. This army was formed by the supporters of Jonas Archer O’Connell. He was shot a killed by his own brother, James. The formed the army to repel the evil that is named James.”

“How can we do that, when they recruited the Brotherhood?” Jason asked Jacob and John Jr.

“There are still people hidden in the shadows that only we know about. Remember when our father founded the Secret Agency of Family Defense or SAFD? There are still surviving members of this agency. They can be found all over the world. There are hubs within your library, the secret library, and within the Omega Organization. It is time to activate the system once again.”

“What is the SAFD? Who is a member of this agency? How do you two know about it and I do not?” Jason asked his brothers.

“Well, dad told us about this agency and he told us if we needed help to activate the system. He also said that there are still some members in our midst and that they will stop at nothing to destroy what is trying to kill us. Our father was a member of this agency but not for long. He named our Uncle Leo the first head of this agency and then someone you know took it over after he took the position of CEO of the Omega Organization, Jason,” Jacob told Jason.

“We need to get to my library and activate this system again.”

So, they went to Jason’s library. There, they went to the hidden hub of the SAFD. It was located behind the book, Family Forever. They then pressed the emergency activation button. On the screen they were prompted to put in a code. They did not know it, but a message was on the computer. It read, “The password is within you.” That was all it read. Jason closed his eyes and saw that he was in the secret room behind his father’s desk. On the wall was a riddle, “What opens but never closes?”

Jason looked at his brothers and told them the riddle, “What opens but never closes?”

They looked at him and said, “We don’t know!”

Jason walked all around his big massive library and looked all over, but there was nothing to be found to solve the riddle. He looked a little deeper into himself and said, “Opportunity.”

He walked to the computer and typed in opportunity and it worked. Then, they opened up a live audio stream and said, “To those hidden in the shadows…No longer is it needed for us to be protected, but we all need your help for the opportunity to destroy the evil Omega Organization for good. Please contact us right away if you are still out there…”

Behind them was the one brother they thought they could not save. Jason turned his head, he looked into his brother’s eyes and said, “Welcome back brother, Jonah.”

All of them looked at each other and said, “We are one.”

Jason asked Jonah, “How did you save yourself from the Omega Organization?”

“Well, I used my ability to look into the future at the time I was killed and knew I was going to be here with you till the end.”

The message that was sent was picked up by the people that needed to receive it…In a dark room… “The O’Connell Brother’s are online and contacting us. It seems that they need our help. What should we do?”

A man in the corner of the room answered, “Tell them that we shall help them in this war that has been going on for too long. It is time to end it once and for all. We are still the best even if they did not expect their best friends were the people protecting them all this time…”

“…But the Omega Council got the Book of Destiny from us…”

“…That is what we want them to think…” To Be Continued

 -Jon McKay

(O’Connell Family Historian)